Search for Your Calling: Where to Start


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The great king had three sons. The day has come to choose from among them the heir to the throne. The choice was very difficult. Each of the royal sons was good in his business and equally dear to his father. The king decided to consult with the great sage, and he gave him advice...

The king gathered his sons, gave each a handful of flower seeds and said:

 - My children, I am leaving. How much I will be absent is unknown. In addition, this is a test for you. You will return these seeds to me when I return. The one who saves them better will be my heir! - said so the king and left.

The first son thought: "What should I do with the seeds?" - And keep them in the iron safe - "When my father returns, they will be the same as they were."

The second son thought: "If I keep them the way my brother does, they will die. And dead seeds are not seeds at all." He went to the market, sold them and got the money. At the same time, the second son thought this way: “When my father comes, I will go to the market again and buy new seeds, I will give them to my father in a better state than they were.”

And the third son went into the garden and scattered the seeds everywhere where he could find any free space.

After a while, the father unexpectedly returned and turned to his sons with excitement...

The first son opened his safe. Seeds died and were covered with mold. Father told him:

 - What is it? Did I give you such seeds? They should bloom with flowers and give a pleasant fragrance, and these seeds stink! These are not my seeds!

The second son rushed to the market, bought seeds, returned home and presented them to his father. However, father said:

 - But they are not the same. Your thought is better, but, still, this is not the quality that I would like to see in you.

He went to the third son in great hope and fear at the same time: "What happened to his seeds?"

The third son took his father to the garden, where millions of flowers were blooming around. He told his father:

 - These are the seeds that you once gave me. As soon as they mature, I will collect them and return them to you.

To which the king answered him:

 - You are my heir. That is what you had to do with the seeds!

Like the three sons of this ancient parable, coming into the world, each person has different choices. We appear in life as seeds, and what happens to these seeds depends only on ourselves. Do we put it in the safe; do we store it far away from everyone? Alternatively, sell for a penny, then try to buy a replacement for this. Or ...  we plant in fertile soil in order to bloom beautiful flowers that will give millions of new seeds?

Calling is like a seed. Each person is born only with his or her dreams, with his or her desires and with his or her abilities. Born to implement. Scientifically proven that dreams are written in human DNA. Everything is already originally in us.

Calling is your manifestation on Earth. Where do you work, what do you do? Do you like your business, does it inspire you? Is there the possibility of new growth? If yes, then the best CV writing editing website can only be sincerely happy for you !!! And if not…?

A lot depends on how and where we work: both the mood with which we live and the income we can afford both rest and place of residence, and in general the level of comfort that we end up with. The presence in the eyes, clarity of thinking, inextinguishable optimism and a positive perception of the world depend on our implementation in our favorite business. The professional executive resumes online are good helpers on this way.

Our vocation, mission that is what we really are, this is our true focus on the world. It does not depend on who and how you are evaluated and what it will give. Because getting a vocation is pure happiness, a state that is not measurable by the amount of the stereotypical “profit” that came to us in life ... Calling is when you are true to yourself first of all. The purpose is an individual actual meaning of life, which, in case of its successful acquisition, becomes the main practical goal of existence.

The proficient CV editing services would also like to add that calling is a personal responsibility for coming to this world. Only in the event that the measure of your responsibility towards yourself is sufficiently conscious and high, you feel keenly the need to realize your destiny. The attainment of a vocation, the awareness of one's destination as an accomplished fact, is, perhaps, the most delightful state of being ... It is something that gives us a deep unconscious feeling of connection with the world.

Awareness of one’s destination carries a sense of confidence, a sense of one’s wholeness. It becomes more apparent what to do in life. It is an inner force setting the whole world in motion around you.

How to find your calling

There are four criteria for work by vocation (work that you really like):

  • Time flies by unnoticed. We decided to finish the job in 5 minutes; we did it, got up from the chair and realized that 3 hours had passed.
  • Others do not understand and criticize you for your occupation. What do you do? Why do you come so late? You would better find a normal job! This is not serious!
  • Doing what you like increases the amount of energy. You just work, and you feel good. If at the same time you also achieve results, then the motivation rises hundreds of times. If you earn much money at the same time, then you are generally difficult to find. There are habits programmed on poverty, try to avoid them.
  • You are asked for advice. They ask for help, ask questions, and talk about problems persistently, ask what you can advise.

My dentist told me that once in the theater he met his client, who greeted him and immediately after the greeting opened his mouth and asked to see what was up there with the top five.

Finding your calling in life and following it, is the path to happiness and prosperous life at the same time. Professional resume writing companies offer their assistance in preparing the employment papers of any kind. How to find the right company you may read in the article: However, is it easy to find it?

What prevents to find a vocation

By asking people the question: “What would you do if financial issues were resolved?” You can get a lot of exciting and non-standard answers. Very rarely, these answers coincide with the current work.

What are usual answers for the question: "Why not take up what you like?"

  • I have no experience.
  • There are few vacancies in the city (someone says that it is necessary to go to the capital).
  • You will not survive on this money.
  • No one needs this in our country.
  • You need to get a second higher education.
  • What If I fail? If I can not do it ??
  • I can not, I have to feed my family.

Check out thoughts, that prevent you from finding your calling, here:

Fears and uncertainty lead to the fact that people cannot find their vocation and favorite work. They work in a hated job (just by habit) and do not want to try anything new. In addition, if you do not try and do not start anything new, it is impossible to change your own life. If you have doubts but strong desire to improve your career, do not hesitate to contact the professional

CV writers, they are the best choice:

There is another problem in finding a vocation, comparing yourself with others. In 99% of cases, to want something that your neighbor has or what they write in fashion magazines means to give up your real life.

People who found their vocations did not compare themselves with others.

One novice artist came to the United States to engage in creative work and paint. At that time, he was talking with his acquaintance, who had been living in America for a long time. They had the following dialogue.

- What do you do?

- I do my job. I paint pictures.

- For how much do you sell your paintings?

- $ 50 a piece.

- How much??? Maybe you will do something normal? We have a lot of good work in America.

- No, no, I do my job.

Exactly 5 years later, a similar dialogue took place:

- What do you do?

- I do my job. I paint pictures.

- For how much do you sell your paintings?

- 50,000 dollars a piece.

- !!!

This example speaks of another important thing, the consistency in achieving your goals. If you decide to try something or master a skill, take enough time for yourself so that the first failures will not stop you. The same is about the job search process, it is crucial not to be upset after the first failed interview. Read more on this topic here:

What is the work of life

There is one simple, but at the same time complex, thought, that the work of your whole life lies on the surface. To find a vocation in life, you only need to look at yourself carefully. What you do easily, quickly and with pleasure is what you do every day.

How to find your vocation and business of life?

In fact, the technique is very simple, you need to look at all three areas of your personality and find the business that will satisfy all aspects of your life.

You will need a paper, pen, free time, disconnected phone, Skype and all the social networks.

  • Traits

What is a character trait? This is what you like to do and what you already do. This does not necessarily have to work well for you.

For example, you have a loud voice. People around you often ask you to turn it down, and other people admire. This is your character trait (a feature of your personality).

Or you are very emotional. Sometimes, you can cope with that, sometimes, you can not. However, you are like this, and that is your personality trait. Read more about how to speak correctly about your strengths and weaknesses here:

The task

Find and write out more than 30 of your character traits.

  • What do you like to do?
  • How do you manifest yourself?
  • What are you?
  • What do people see in you?

You can ask your friends and acquaintances to describe you with 7 adjectives. This will help you to understand yourself from the outside.

Interests, skills, and abilities

This is what you can do and love to do. Drive a car, greet guests, set the table skillfully, arrange windows, ride a bike well, you have the calligraphic handwriting, you are an accountant, get along with technology or, on the contrary, animals love you and so on.

This also includes exciting activities and your desires. You like kayaking, you want to learn how to ride a bike, plan to start painting, want to train people, start making websites or something else. If you are interested in what habits the successful people have, read the article on our site:

Find a job by vocation

The task

Write out more than 30 of your skills, abilities, and interests.

  • What can you do? What do you like to do?
  • What are you interested in? What do you want to learn?
  • What did they like to do in childhood?
  • What about are you asked for advice? What do people around appreciate in you?

How to find a calling

First, the cheap custom resumes online services need to say one important thing:

Do not confuse the vocation with the profession. An accountant, salesperson, pastry chef or programmer is not a vocation, but a profession through which you realize your vocation.

To find your vocation, you need to pay attention to several things.

1. You do not like something in this world, and you want to fix it. You constantly notice some imperfections. For example, a well-known designer was not happy with design in his country. He changes this with his own hands and is going to do it further.

What flaws in this world do you notice?

2. You like to do what you do. You enjoy it even if the result of your work is not needed by anyone. In other words, you can not stop doing it. What is it for you?

3. You do this for yourself and for others. Your case is directed toward other people. You want to help them; you want to make the world a better place for them.

What do you want to give people? What do you do for them? How do you want to change the world? It is also very important to have the ability to describe your strengths, especially in your resume:

The task

Answer the questions in details.

  • What flaws and imperfections do you notice in this world?
  • What are you doing and can't stop doing?
  • What do you want to give people? What would you like to do for people?
  • How do you want to change the world? What do you want to improve?

To live in harmony with yourself is one of the greatest benefits that a person can achieve. In many ways, the possession of this blessing depends on what he or she devotes his or her life, time and energy to; is he or she happy doing this? And from whatever side we look at this problem, it will, in any case, lead us to the search for a destination. It is unlikely, of course, that the resume creator online will offer a ready-made way for finding your vocation, but still, we are confident that the reflections and advice from this article will allow you to understand yourself better and answer at least some of the troubling questions.

Why are we looking for ourselves

Today there are many articles and materials on how to find your vocation in life, in a profession, etc. There are even individual tests on this topic, for example, the well-known test for personality type by Myers-Briggs. Some tips and recommendations are more effective, some are less effective. Nevertheless, in any way, the reasoning about the meaning of life boils down to the fact that the search for one’s vocation is a natural state of man.

Thinking and developing people do not doubt that there must be some kind of global business of life that you can gladly surrender to; for the sake of which it will be easy to wake up at 6 in the morning and rush to do something somewhere; it will not be a pity to waste your time and energy on this. Such activities can become the meaning of human existence.

It is this premise that indicates that in order to gain happiness and satisfaction it is necessary to search for your vocation. It must correspond to the aspirations, talents, and abilities. In addition, in many cases, the cause of life allows you to earn enough money to live a quite comfortable life, that is to work less and earn more. However, the search for a vocation can be quite difficult, as an evidenced by ordinary life experience; many people never find it in their entire life.

Next, we will talk about barriers to searching for a vocation and the ways to overcome them.

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What do you want?

Difficulties in finding the vocation, contrary to common misconceptions, are not related to luck, karma, or the fact that the person was not lucky enough to find an occupation that matches his or her aspirations, needs and desires. The problem needs to be looked much deeper, although the answer, in fact, lies on the surface.

Strange as it may sound, but almost no one asks him/herself why does one need to search for a vocation at all. People just accept the idea of ​​this search as a given one, believing that they must become an entrepreneur, a scientist, a politician, a doctor, an actor, etc., and then devote their whole life to this profession. In other words, the specialty is not an equivalent to vocation. However, the belief that the goal of life is to find and acquire a profession just serves as a serious obstacle to the vocation finding. Let us see what this means.

Most people cannot find their vocation due to the incorrect formulation of the main questions. They look like this:

  •  “Which social role is more in tune with my abilities and talents?”
  •  “What social role will suit me most?”
  •  “What role will allow me to self-actualize?” etc.

Answers to these questions are not easy to find, because they are wrong.

To find a favorite job or a business of life, you need to put questions differently, namely:

  • “What do I want in life and what do I need to do to achieve this?”
  •  “Is there any social role that will help me achieve my goal?”
  • “If there is no such role, what will help me to achieve my goal?”

 By asking such questions, we no longer put the social role at the forefront but focus on our desires. In addition, we can not only subordinate the role to our goals but also, if necessary, get rid of it. That is why it makes sense to talk a little specifically about the goals. The affordable resume formatting services also help to achieve your goal, check and find the necessary assistance from the professionals.

The importance of life goals

A little talk about goals will help us better understand the essence of the above. For example, you already know what you want from life. You love life, strive to grow and learn new things. You want to be independent and free, so it is important for you to live and enjoy life, get to know yourself, communicate, travel and explore the world around. You want your actions to make the world a little better.

These are your life goals. However, what can you do to implement them? What social role will suit you: a writer, a teacher, a psychologist, a director? What is your profession and what kind of business meets your basic needs? As you can see, the answer is difficult to give. But what if you try to come up with a profession that fits? What kind of profession would it be?

First, your work should not take all the time. You will have a family, and you will have children, and, of course, you will want to spend more time with your loved ones. Therefore, your calling should leave you more time than the usual work allows. In addition, you have the desire to devote your time to hobbies, such as self-development, hiking, reading books, sports, movies, music, chatting with friends, etc.

You have no desire to “become attached” to the workplace, and spend 5-6 days a week from morning to evening, come home angry and tired, have two miserable weeks of vacation for 6 months of endless labor. Your favorite job or business of life should allow you to enjoy every day, regularly relax, discover new places and communicate with your family. On this basis, it is better to make the source of income remote and autonomous, at least in part. You may read about the most popular remote jobs in this article:

Let say you do not put independence and freedom in priority, and you are quite ready to devote to your vocation as much time and effort as you need. But this is so only if this occupation allows you to realize your ideas, to get inspiration and feedback. Therefore, it is the best variant for your business if it belongs to you, but if this is not so, it should, in any case, give you the freedom of which you are dreaming.

You may have noticed that now we are only discussing working conditions, but its content remains in question. So what exactly do you do? You can become a programmer or a copywriter (or choose a different direction of freelancing), or you can start developing your business. The most important thing here is that this business allows you to earn and stay free.

But what about personal preferences and personal offerings to people? And here lies the trick, in fact, no one says that it depends on the work. Think for yourself: starting to do the ideal job, which gives you freedom and prosperity, you will get a lot of time that you can devote to what you are interested in.

Of course, it would be good if the source of income has already allowed it to be done, but, firstly, today's reality shows that there is no much work like this, and secondly, it is not necessary. For example, you can become a writer and try to monetize this business in order to achieve your goals. But at the same time, you can master the art of photography and start selling your services to the photographer. For this, of course, it also takes some work, but then you will have time to write.

It is possible to develop what has been said for a very long time, but now we can draw one fundamental conclusion: a vocation must necessarily be subordinated to your life goals. And here the question of choosing this vocation, both in life and in the profession, deserves special attention.

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Ability to choose

The way you earn a living is not obliged to correspond to your talents or vocation at all, but it must allow you to reach your goals. Let us return to our examples: it is likely that you do not have the sense of a photographer, and there is no photographing in your blood. But you will agree: would you not have started professional photography if it allowed you to be independent and free, have a lot of time for your favorite things and make the world a better place, bringing beauty to it? Most likely, you would not mind such work.

Each of us needs a livelihood; it is a truth of life. Maybe you do not jump with joy running around the grooms and brides with your camera, but if this business does not require constant employment and allows you to live well, then why not to try it?

A lot of people work 6 days a week, and it would be great if this kind of work was a thrill because they practically live at work and even have the chronic fatigue syndrome. However, this is not the case, but they still work, although this is not their choice in the full sense of the word. Despite this, when they are looking for a vocation, they try to make their lives better, so that the need for unloved work will disappear forever.

And here comes the choice: in the search for their vocation, people begin to change one job for another, one employer for another, one six-day or five-day schedule for another. Does it make sense? It will not be an exaggeration if we say that there is no point here because it is running in a circle. It would be naive to believe that, I, as a seller, for example, having changed one trading room to another, will find my calling. Sales are just an example, but it applies to every area.

Perhaps, it is worth to change the profile in general. But here you can drive yourself into the same trap: you are no longer a salesperson, but an office manager, and now you are no longer a manager, but an IT person in a large office, but what has changed? Nothing has changed, you still get up in the morning, rush to work and do something that anyone needs, anyone but not you, continuing to dream that sometime search for a vocation will be crowned with the success.

Being engaged in any activity that does not bring you closer to achieving your goals, you are wasting your time. By making a choice between different forms of the same activity, you will never find your vocation, because you choose where the choice just does not exist. And this is the second main problem, which makes it difficult to find your vocation. Another fundamental conclusion follows from this: a vocation can consist in entirely different things.

Based on this, you need to expand your comfort zone and explore new areas of activity. If you realize that working at an ordinary position, you will never become happy and cannot realize your ambitions, you need to understand as soon as possible which area will allow you to get closer to the desired results. You can do this by asking yourself special questions to search for meaning and happiness, and also you will know the features of your personality type.

But one should not think that the problems we have considered solve all the question of finding a favorite job or business of life. There are several other equally important things that make it difficult to find a destination.

Limitations and routine

It happens that a person seems to find his or her vocation, but, contrary to logic, it becomes not a source of his or her happiness, but a stumbling block. Try to understand an important thought: if you find what you like in life, something that you need to give all of yourself, you risk losing your freedom and independence. A new occupation can simply limit you, and after some period of joy, you realize that you have again driven yourself into a corner.

Finding your favorite job or business of life does not mean finding a new wheel in which you need to run like a squirrel. It is necessary to maintain caution, heading into new hobbies and making "all bets" on them. There should always be room for maneuver, and this means that a person should not limit oneself. As the best resumes writing services said, the vocation may consist of different things, but in order to find them, you need to have room for searching.

On top of that, almost any activity always includes an element of routine, and you can just get tired of any work, even the most creative one. Finding a business that will bring pleasure to the end of life is, of course, possible, but very, very difficult, and it is highly likely that there will be no trace of the former enthusiasm in a couple of years.

When searching for a vocation, you should always keep in mind the thought that something will change again in some time. The desire for change is a normal state for a person, the change of career is not an exception. Therefore, we once again say that we should not push ourselves into the framework of one occupation or one profession. To believe that the meaning of life is one thing is fundamentally wrong.

From all this, we can conclude that you need to try to look for several areas corresponding to life goals, and do what you want at the moment. Still, how to find such things? This question is absolutely appropriate, because to speak and think is one thing, and to do is absolutely another.

Finding the right direction

Determining the right direction for movement is not easy, because you need to find something that will meet your goals. We think you will agree with us that any person strives for happiness and it is a natural need. But the ways to achieve this state in each case will differ.

The best resumes writing companies (and not only them) have repeatedly said that the state of happiness depends on the internal state of a person, rather than external factors. Happiness is inner harmony, correct self-esteem, an adequate perception of the surrounding world, but not the presence of a car and a country house or the status of a director of a large company.

If a person is unhappy within his or her inner being, nothing will change the situation. Maybe sometimes it will seem to him or her that he/she is happy and everything in life is beautiful, but these moments are so momentary that they will disappear when the joy of possessing something passes. As a result, an understanding that this is not happiness will come, and the whole cycle will begin again.

The personal website to order resume insists that it is not quite right to set ourselves the goal of achieving certain material benefits. The most important thing is to find happiness in oneself, and after that, an understanding will come of what to strive for in life, what to devote to it, what is its purpose.

The life experience of a huge number of people says that spiritual and life quest brings no success if a person does not know what exactly makes him or her happy. People change professions and jobs, move from one place to another, hoping that now everything will be different. But joy never comes, everything repeats again, and frustration and depression come.

Therefore, all the fuss is that these people could not find their inner source of happiness. And so that the situation does not worsen, you need to ask yourself: “Why am I unhappy? What is the cause of my suffering? Am I on the right track or trying to open those doors that will remain locked for me forever? ”

No, the professional cover letter writer will not argue that the internal state is greatly influenced by what we do, and the state of security, and the possession of material goods. But this is not the root cause, and the understanding that you live your life not in vain, in any case, should not depend on money, or cars, apartments, iPhones, or even the achievement of goals. Happiness must be inside; otherwise even the found purpose will not change anything.

Looking for a favorite job or business of life, searching for a purpose and defining one’s life goals and priorities is necessary. Start from yourself. What makes you happy? Only you can answer this question, and to find the answers, you need to ask yourself again:

  • What would I like to change in this world?
  • What do I want to change in my life?
  • What did I like to do in my childhood?
  • What did I dream of when I was little?
  • What do I like to do and where could I be the best?
  • What could I do for many years?

Take this peculiar test, write down the answers to the questions, and then select the time and think about them thoroughly. And also remember that life is transient, and the older we get, the faster time flies. Is it the right time to leave your job? Would you be occupied with what you are doing now if you suddenly found out that half a year or a maximum of a year left to live? If the answer to this question is negative, consider what you would do if this situation happened, and why do you even do something that does not matter to you?

In most cases, people always know what they want from life. But with age, many aspirations and desires are “overwritten,” dreams seem unrealizable, reality becomes the need to do things, solve problems, make money. Life turns into a road to nowhere. But this can be changed if you start to get to know yourself, ask yourself the right questions, take responsibility for yourself and your desires, accept the idea of ​​the passing time and arrange actions in accordance with all this.

Result reflections

At the beginning of this article, the trained resumes editors said that we could hardly offer a ready-made method for finding the vocation. And this is true because the search for a vocation is a purely individual matter, even intimate to some extent. There are no templates or techniques that can be simply performed, and everything will be resolved, as if by magic.

But still, we think that our thoughts about the meaning of life and happiness will be able to direct your thoughts (and future actions) in the right direction. To understand what you need, mark those moments when a feeling of harmony, peace and that everything is good comes to you.

You can sit in the office for years, and once, after succumbing to the persuasion of a friend, you can jump with a parachute and understand that this is what you have been dreaming about all your life. You can throw boxes in a warehouse, and one day when you have nothing to do, write a small story and understand that this is exactly what you wanted to do from childhood. You can go on vacation and, lounging on the beach, ask yourself the idea of ​​remote work with an opportunity to explore the world, and, as a result, come to the design of Internet sites.

In general, the answer to the question of how to find one's purpose is, among other things, to have the courage and boldness to go to the call of your desires and dreams; to give free rein to your imagination; to understand what is your ideal daily routine, and that your happiness is in your hands. Study yourself, define your deepest needs, communicate with purposeful and enthusiastic people, expand your own boundaries, reflect on life, try new things, take time to do what is important to you, what you like, and not indulge your weaknesses and habits. This is what allows you to find your calling.

It is not an easy task. But for some reason, many people make it even more complicated. Sometimes, it seems that people absolutely do not want to find a vocation, change jobs, or live better. And all because they ignore the really working tips and recommendations.

One more of these recommendations will be discussed here. It is not surprising, no magic. The suggestion is very simple.

Record interesting ideas, thoughts, and discoveries about yourself.

Get yourself a special notebook (always on paper!), name this notebook uniquely and clearly (for example, “vocation” or “I”) and write down thoughts that you consider valuable and useful.

  • You read a book and found an interesting idea, put it down in a notebook.
  • You watched the movie and saw yourself there, make a note.
  • Took a training session or listened to a webinar, record valuable thoughts.

When you re-read your notebook, perhaps you will suddenly see something that is valuable to you and brings you closer to your calling. If you need a piece of advice from the professionals, contact the best resume writer services.

If you do not record your thoughts, you will never see anything “suddenly.” Unless you catch some crazy emotion that sweeps like a wind, it will wake you up and disappear forever. And you will not understand anything...

Record valuable thoughts and ideas! Get a special notebook for them!

Of course, we just cannot help but advise you a book on this topic. This is the book “Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life” by Ken Robinson. Also, watch this video from Ken Robinson, where this amazing man talks about vocation and its meaning.

The resumes writing experts sincerely hope that our small philosophical and analytical essay clarified for you some moments about the search for your vocation, and you can find something for your soul, a favorite job or a business of life. We wish you good luck and loyalty to yourself!

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