Online Resume Site: Write Perfect Resume Here
How to write “selling” resume? Our resume service knows how…
“Selling” resume: what is it? What is the sense of “selling” resume? What does such resume do? If we look at the job process cynically, the things are very simple. Have you ever noticed that good advertising sells better? In this advertising everything is expedient, there is nothing excess and it is clear what, where and how to buy.
It is almost the same about resume. Of course, there are nuances, but the main sense is almost the same. “Selling” resume is created according to the desired job, all the excess information is deleted, and everything needed is added and presented in best light. Such a resume is extremely effective. Our online resume service can provide you with this so-called “selling” resume that will help you to find a job in the shortest time possible!
Resume correction is like a make-up for a woman. Something “unnecessary” is hidden, while “necessary” things are emphasized.
When do you need to order “selling” resume?
- Job search lasts for too long.
- You do not get invitations for interviews.
- Your resume provokes strange reaction, and you are offered not what you really want.
- It seems to you that there is something wrong with your resume.
- There are big periods of unemployment in your resume and you do not how to present them correctly.
- You were engaged in business for a long period of time and decided to apply for a job. How to search for a work in this case?
- You want to make your resume much better.
“Selling” resume will find a job for you much faster!
The main result of such a resume is more qualitative responses from employers. You will stop getting “wrong” offers and employers will finally “hear” your desires. They will start talking to you in other way.
Additional result. The number of invitations for an interview will increase. Of course, there will not be unbelievable increase, but as a rule the activity of employers grows.
Bonus. “Selling” resume gives you more confidence on an interview.
The specialists of our online resume site do not work just with resume. They always work with you, they explain why they have corrected some information, why they have deleted something from the document or why they changed the position name… Practice shows that after such an resume editing and fixing, our customers feel much more confident during the interview.
How do we work?
You task is to send us your resume and description of desired job or vacancy. We contact you. Our specialists specify what job you are looking for, and what problems you face. Then we explain you how you should act in your case (what will be effective and what will not), and how we can help you. However, we always warn that really good resume works not in every case, and sometimes it does not help to solve your problems. When you are sure you want to work with us, you order resume writing, and we start our job.
You get ready resume written according to your desires and demands of a vacancy. If needed, we explain what and why we have changed and we are always ready to answer all your questions. We can also give you recommendations on cover letter writing. That is it, you have “selling” resume and necessary information.
If you decide to write resume on your own…
We give you our advice about its structure. To answer the questions “how to write resume competently?”, “how to write good resume?”, “how to create resume that will bring you benefit in job search?”, first of all you need to realize clearly what resume is, and of course to look at the resume sample at least once.
Having discovered the biggest resume secret, and using it smartly in resume writing, you get more chances to get a good job.
So what resume is…
Resume was borrowed by the whole world from the practice of European and American personnel management. This is the first thing you need to have in job search process. We can say that applying for a job resume is a “must have”, it is one of the elements of modern rules of business etiquette, and at the same time it is one of the most effective advertising tools on the work market.
Resume is description of abilities of a person, which, make him competitive in the labour market. It should reflect three main qualities demanded from an employee: education (erudition), productivity and limitlessness of abilities. Sometimes you can see the abbreviation CV (from Latin word combination “Curriculum Vitae”), what literally means “life description” or “life course”, and usually this term is applied for resume of employees of creative professions; CV presents the results of work, while the working places are not mentioned. Resume style is usually directed on certain job getting, CV contains more detailed and structured information about career path of a man. In the context of our time document called CV or resume not just describes the jobseeker’s professional life, it is the base for being invited for an interview. Resume has many positive points as for an employee, so as for an employer. For a jobseeker it is a perfect way to present himself in a favorable light, and for an employer it is a kind of method for selecting of candidates.
The main goal of resume is to attract attention at the first, as a rule, not personal acquaintance, to make a favorable impression and to encourage an employer to invite you to personal meeting. Here we have the main principle of resume writing – to emphasize all the positive moments and make invisible, as much as possible, your weak sides.
You need to write such a resume:
- that potential employer should accept it as a source of your biographical data and information about your professional experience;
- that can answer the question, whether you meet the requirements set by an employer for the job;
- that can give additional information, which can make an employer interested and encourage him to invite you for an interview.
Resume allows an employer to get the main information about a candidate, formulate additional questions and not to write down necessary data about candidate, what reduces the time and increases the efficiency of an interview. More often personnel managers, secretaries, office-managers, heads of sales departments, and even chief accountants supervise personnel issues. HR specialists use subjective method of resume selecting, and also selection method according to a number of formal features (working experience and skills, professional qualities, education, sex, age and so on). In the first case manager’s subjective perception is important, in the second case professionally built resume that emphasizes the merits and smartly hides the candidate’s disadvantages has much value.
Basing on resume, employer forms the first and pretty strong opinion about a person, which however subjectively depends on people's perception stereotypes. If you did not manage to get an invitation for an interview, it means than resume did not manage to attract the employer’s attention. According to the most employers, it is very important that information in resume should be maximally full and brief at the same time, and what is more important is that a jobseeker should be able to prove all the data during an interview.
There are the following forms of resume: professional (universal). chronological, functional, chronologically functional, objective and academic.
- Professional (universal) resume is used more often. In this kind of resume all the information is presented in units (blocks). According to specialists, this form should be used by those who are sure about their service record (achievement list).
- If there is a lack of working experience or you have breaks in your work experience, it is better to write functional resume. Functional resume is used to describe certain working experience and activities when there is no need to place them in chronological order. It emphasizes education and special knowledge and skills. Also this form is used when there was a big break in work or there is a need to change job.
- If working experience is the main advantage, then resume should be written in chronological order listing all the jobs and names of the companies. Chronological resume perfectly suits those specialists who have been working for a long time at one and the same sphere and want to continue their activity in it.
- Chronologically functional resume is usually used to present some special achievements, and it also keeps chronological order of events.
- Objective resume is written when all the attention is focused on the search of a certain position, and a request is supported by the presentation of knowledge and abilities.
- Academic resume is used to find professorial and teacher's work. The main part of such a resume is the list of scientific papers and publications, academic achievements, awards and titles.
Now you know what forms of resume exist, what will help you to write really good resume, and thus you will definitely succeed in the process of job search!