How To Answer Question About Desired Salary
When we are searching a job, we are certainly interested in future salary. For most people this is the most important question, just some are embarrassed to talk or ask about it. If you have already made a resume or passed interviews, then you know that employers are always interested in the desired salary, as well as payments at the previous place of work. And most often they directly ask competitors about it. At such times, many people begin to feel insecure and do not know what to say in answer.
Our local resume services will gladly help you to make an excellent resume and also we are ready to share several secrets that will help you safely survive the salary negotiations and stay in the win. Below we are going to give some basic rules on how to behave if you start discussing salary with the employer.
So, be prepared that you will be asked about the salary at the previous place of work. I advise you to be always extremely honest, especially when we are talking about cash payments. Do not call a sky-high sum or do not underestimate your earnings. First, the employer already can be informed about your salary. Secondly, experienced personnel managers are always aware of how much a particular specialist is currently cost on the labor market. If you call an inadequate number, it can cause suspicion. Tell the truth, because too small salary will also cause suspicion. You are such a perfect expert and you cope with a lot of tasks and at last received so little money. Something is wrong here. We can easily explain you how to order resume proofreading.
Calling the real amount you can also comment on your answer. For example, this is a slightly smaller amount than my level specialists get, but I had a free schedule and part of the work I did at home. I had a higher salary than my colleagues, because I often received bonuses for high performance.
It happens that you signed a document on non-disclosure of salary, so you should be able to explain properly the situation to the recruiter. Say that in connection with such circumstances you are not entitled to call the exact amount, but the sum indicated in the vacancy is quite satisfactory for you.
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10 rules for how to discuss your own salary
1) The employer should be the first to talk about money! Be never in hurry to ask about salary yourself! It will be very tactless and there may be an opinion that you only think about money. Well, who needs such material employees? Do not worry, the employer knows very well that every work should be rewarded financially, so he will not forget to ask you about the money. Nobody will specifically delay this moment.
If you go through personal interviews, which usually take place in several stages, then have patience, because you will be asked about the salary at the latest stage and at the last moment. Well, if you are called from a recruiting agency, then this issue will be one of the first, because their task is to immediately weed out candidates who do not fit into the company's budget.
2) Only you tell the specific amount. Do not ask the employer how much he is willing to pay you. It looks ridiculous. In this way, you demonstrate your ignorance of how much you really cost on the labor market. Or you might think that you are bargaining and just worrying about not to mention a smaller number. Our company is the best customer resume online service.
3) Determine the desired salary in advance. For this you need to be thoroughly prepared. You need to do a little research and find out how many employees of your profile and level really cost and how much you are willing to pay. There are several options to find out the price:
- a kind and loyal friend of Google knows the answers to many questions. Do not be lazy and look for analytics given by different job sites;
- look similar jobs for companies of the same level, where the amount of salary is indicated;
- find various resumes of other job seekers who dream of the same job;
- take an interest in the opinion of friends or relatives who have experience in the same industry.
4) You can name the amount from and to. Only here there should be a justifiable difference between the minimum and maximum figures. Calling not the exact amount, specify that you will be ready to say the final sum after you become thoroughly acquainted with the duties and so on.
5) Specify a net and gross salary. There is often a misunderstanding especially with young employees. After discussing the amount of salary, all were satisfied and as a result it turned out that it was about dirty payments (that is, without accounting for all taxes).
6) The phrase "I'm open to discussion" is appropriate, but not immediately. This is a very suitable option for those who called a fairly high price for their work. But do not say this phrase immediately after you have named the desired amount. Otherwise, they will think about you, that you really doubt that you ask. If you were told that the amount named is too high for the company then you can be open to discussion. But before the interview, determine a minimum for which you can agree (this should be at least 20% of the first named amount).
7) Increase the salary more often by 30%. This is quite normal if a person gets a new job and plans to get there more than the previous one. Do not ask too much, let it be about 30% more than the previous one.
8) Justify the desire for such a salary. The manager may wonder why exactly this amount you have just called. Prepare an answer in advance. It may be something like: now this is the situation on the labor market, I have such achievements, certificates, special education, awards and so on. But do not try to argue something like that you have a marriage falling apart, complicated life circumstances. Such arguments are simply unacceptable (
9) Do not think that the employer will choose you because you are asking for a little money. This is a big but very popular mistake. Many are sure that if they name a small sum, then they will necessarily be recruited. Usually such tactics are chosen by those who are in search of work for a long time. Do not be a cheap seeker, because in the first place it tends to think that you are insecure, you do not have enough professional experience,
10) Immediately discuss all details of payments. Often this point is omitted by young professionals who rely on the integrity of employers. But know how to stand up for yourself and find out everything in advance. After all as a result you can be a victim and work for a penny. Also, be sure to clarify the system of premiums, allowances, fees. Specifically ask how long you will have to work for the minimum wage, what you need to do and what to achieve in order to raise your salary. All these details are very important for you, so do not hesitate to ask questions about them. And remember about the balance of payments.
Well, you also got acquainted with the main rules of salary discussion. It all depends on your desire and the desire of the employer to come to a common opinion. Take care of yourself and your work, do not waste time in vain. If you see that you are obviously neglected as an expert, then do not be afraid to leave this job and look for a new one ( Believe professionals are always in demand on the labor market and if you are not lucky the first time, you will definitely be lucky in the second. Well, we wish you successful employment and high incomes.
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