Are CV Consulting Services just a waste of time?
CV experts shows the rules of making the best resume
Have you found a dream job? Now it is up to you: to make such a resume, that HR will catch his/her breath and he or she will invite you for an interview from the first sight. Professional resume writers Chicago will tell you how to create the perfect resume so that recruiters want to re-read it again and again, and the employer will take you to the staff immediately! Some think that it is easy to write CV, resume, or cover letter, others prefer to use the help of professional resume writers. Who is right and who is wrong? Let us figure it out. Anyway, to make the outstanding and effective resume one needs to comply with the certain rules.
1. Follow the plan.
The recruiter does not look at all the resumes in full: his/her eyes “jump” around the main blocks in search of the necessary information. Therefore, make it easier for a person to do that task: let you have 8-9 sections in your resume, where you can clearly and concisely tell about yourself as a pro, and as a person. It is always not easy to describe yourself, that is to show yourself from the inside and the outside. The quick helper is near:
- Last name and first name. Do not write the middle name. An exception is to be made only if you are looking for work in government agencies.
- A photo. Especially for the resume, make a high-quality snapshot. It will be carefully examined to understand how you fit the company. Therefore, an open and confident look, discreet, but at the same time, friendly smile on the photo will be your main trump cards.
- Contacts. In this column, it is enough to indicate the mobile number and e-mail address. The home address, as it was before, is not necessary to indicate: no one will check whether you live there or not. Well, you understand it yourself, right?
- Purpose. Here you will write what position you are applying for. Do not use template phrases. Just indicate what you want to do in this company.
- Education. Trainings and internships. Experience. Indicate the last job first.
- Personal qualities. Additional Information. In this column, it will be necessary to note the knowledge of computer programs and foreign languages, the presence of driver's licenses and other useful information.
2. Online CV consultant helps create a resume right for this vacancy
There is no universal resume for all professions, so each time it needs to be adapted for a specific vacancy. For example, if you are a designer, demonstrate your creativity in the resume, tell about the creative contests in which you took part, and attach examples of your work. If you are a technician, then tell about the specific professional skills that allow you to apply for this position. As a confirmation of your previous work experience and professional achievements, tell why you can be useful in the framework of the position you are applying for. You may read more about this topic on the blog.
3. Illustrate your way of success.
If you worked in different positions and in various professional fields, like started in the mail sorting department, and then became a commercial director, then it is vital to describe this way step by step, but not spreading wide. Tell the story of your success. This will significantly increase your chances of getting a dream job. And yet: modesty, of course, is a good treat of character but not when you are looking for work. Your every achievement and success in previous jobs should be reflected in your resume.
4. Tell about yourself.
Your personal qualities play not less important role than the business ones. Therefore do not write a set of standard "executive, stress-resistant, sociable." It is better to point out the strengths that really belong to you, which will help in work. In addition, be sure to back them up with examples. For example, non-conflict and gentleness helped you to calm down a disgruntled client more than once and your iron nerves helped listen with a smile to all his angry remarks and save the face of the company this way.
5. Write clear.
It is very important to choose the right style of presentation, write everything in an accessible language. All information provided in your resume should be as clear as possible to your employer. Using the professional abbreviations is definitely not the right way.
6. Professional CV consultants know how to make the right formatting.
Times New Roman is the last century! That can be the reasons to update resume. Today the other rules of formatting exist in the business world. Format: Calibri or Arial font, size 10 or 12, single indent between lines. All text should have one font size. It is possible to increase the names of sections to two points size. Do not even think about inserting tables into the summary. Firstly, they will make it cumbersome, secondly, if someone open them in another text editor, they can shift, and this will spoil the whole impression of the resume. Make lists with bullets, and links (if you have a portfolio). You may shorten them with the help of special services.
7. Keep the volume.
The long essays, like “I am a super professional and unique personality” will not impress anyone, unless you are a world star! This is a summary, not an autobiography. So the maximum volume is no more than two pages. Otherwise, the recruiter will be bored and click “delete”.
8. Check literacy.
Most resumes, unfortunately, have a huge amount of typos and other minor spelling errors. And this noticeably spoils the notion of the applicant as a professional: an employer might think that a person is inattentive to details and will be treated accordingly. Therefore, before sending a resume to a dream company, be sure to re-read it a couple of times: there will always be a couple of points that can be improved. You may think that it is easy to rewrite the paper without professional assistance, but after several attempts, it is clear that your eyes are accustomed to the text and it is quite difficult to identify errors yourself. That is why many people nowadays prefer to ask experts in resume writing to check their employment papers:
9. CV consulting agency will add creative moments into your resume.
If you are looking for work in the creative field, then the original self-presentation will be a great advantage. Once, an unusual resume came to Lego: the applicant collected a gigantic fish from the details of the designer, into the open mouth of which she put her resume. Lego appreciated such a creative approach. Maybe this approach to finding a job is too much, but you can always vary the boring black font with an unobtrusive decor in the corporate style of a dream company or come up with an unusual form for your resume. For example, if you are looking for a job at an event agency, issue it as a postcard.
10. Forget the recommendations.
Previously, a list of people who could recommend you as a professional was a mandatory item of resume. Today it is not needed. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the employer obtains the necessary information about the candidate either from the resume or on the basis of a personal meeting with the candidate. It is not necessary to indicate the phone number of the former chef in the summary, but mentioning people who are ready to recommend you as a pro during the interview will not hurt.
These 10 points are very important and sometimes not easy to perform. That is why do not hesitate to contact the professionals of That will definitely save your time, money and efforts.
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Professional CV Writing Service from the UK Gives the Answer