What To Write In A Resume If There Is Nothing To Write About


What To Write In A ResumesPart of a resume that describes the key competencies of a specialist is one of the most important in resume. But what to do if work experience is pretty small?

To get a job you need to have experience, but to gain experience you need a job. This ridiculous situation becomes reality for many jobseekers. Especially for the young specialists, former students, who complain that after graduation it is very difficult to find a job. Yes, the task is hard, but professional resume writers say it is possible. And the first thing you should begin with is your resume and presentation of your skills. In this what to write in a resume if there is nothing to write about post you will find useful information on what to do in such cases, when you want to get a job, but you obviously lack experience.

Do not write the phrase “no work experience”

Avoid this phrase in your resume and during the conversation with potential employer or HR manager. You can paraphrase it, for example, “notices in the employment history are absent”.

Remember everything you have been taught

Convince the employer that you have necessary theoretical base. Also write in your resume the skills and knowledge you have gained during your studying, and which match the vacancy requirements best of all. For example, you used to process a large amount of statistical information, you managed to master the art of public speaking or you learnt to speak foreign language fluently. Emphasize these competencies, they will benefit you.

Describe the practical skills

Did you have practical training? Have you ever worked on probation? Have you ever worked in general? If yes, you can do a lot of things! Use them. For example, a jobseeker, who applies for the vacancy of dentist’s assistant, may describe his experience in such a way: “2015 (2 months) – practical training in a dental clinic “HealthyDenta”. During this period I performed the duties of a dental technician; I learnt to make carcasses, temporary crowns, removable and clasp dentures”.

Show the desire for new knowledge

It means that starting to work you will not only learn actively from experienced colleagues. It is important to show that knowledge got in educational establishment are not 100% satisfying for you, you want and know how to learn on your own, and in general you do it all the time to develop in your profession. Mention in the resume additional seminars, courses, trainings, exchange programs that you have passed during your studying. Do not forget to give examples and describe the skills you have got.

Write only one vector of professional interests

In your resume emphasize those skills and knowledge that are essential for the certain profession. Of course, you can describe what other occupations you are interested in, and you can also tell about your achievements in those spheres. However, the emphasis and preference should be given to the sphere, a professional in which your possible interviewer looks for.

And if you are invited for the interview, make an emphasis that you want to develop yourself in this very sphere. It means if you are interested in the position of content manager, do not tell that you want to work as a manager or a head of the department. There is nothing wrong in such a desire, however in such a way you tell your employer that this work is temporary for you, soon you will become bored with it and start looking for a new job.

Mind the recommendation letters

Recommendations are useful “things” that help in the job search process not only young specialists, they essentially complement resume, making it more valuable. You can ask your teachers, practice tutors, trainers, who used to teach you, to write a review about you as a specialist, to emphasize your strong sides and potential. And it is better not to ask relatives or friends to write recommendations for you.

Follow the golden mean and be honest

Do not exaggerate and do not underestimate your skills and personal qualities, follow the golden mean. Present information briefly, clearly, but do not write too much.

Do not made up your work experience, clients and recommendations. First of all, lies in most cases becomes reality, second of all, this is a minus to your karma. All the information should be truthful, because employer can easily check it during the interview or even after giving you a job.

And the last, but not the least. Do not forget about your main quality – you are young, active, you are open to new knowledge and ideas. Many employers bet and rely on this. If you are interested in a vacancy, study what personal qualities a specialist should have if he want to get the position, and what professional qualities should be developed. In such a way it will be easier to create a good resume (if you need help on making a resume, you can order resume writing service on our website). And if you are invited for an interview, it means that you have successfully learnt the rules and tricks of this post on how to get a job if you lack experience.

How to get a job if you do not have enough experience or qualification

How to get a job that you want so much, even when you do not have the experience, diplomas and certificates that are required from a jobseeker. Our online  resume service publishes the advice of HR experts how to get the desired work if there is a lack of experience and qualification.

Prove the employer you are able to solve the problems of the company

The situation on the work market is as following: diplomas, certificates and other papers are important in some spheres, for example, in medicine or jurisprudence. In other spheres the requirements to the future worker sometimes are very flexible, and this is a great chance to get what you want.

If you manage to prove your future employer you can solve his problem, your certificates will no longer be so much important. Start doing the job before you get it. Create a project for the interview. For example, if you response for the vacancy of a designer, try to create a new design for the company, in which you want to work, and explain the employer why and what decisions you have made creating the project.

 “Project for the interview”

We are going to present you 4 steps, with the help of which you can create the “project for the interview” and bring it to the “right people”.

Step 1: Limit your search with several vacancies that you are especially interested in

This is not so quick process as resume sending to numerous companies. However, it is more effective. Remember the three rules when you read any job vacancy:

1) It is okay if you lack a few years of work experience. For example, having a year of experience, you can get a job that requires three years of experience. And the one that requires seven years, probably you will not get.

2) If the level of your education is lower than it is required, this is also okay. Except the cases when a vacancy requires professors of science. Make sure you are really capable to perform the work. You may not have the necessary papers, but you should have the required skills.

3) If you have found 3-5 such vacancies, move forward to the second step.

Step 2: Understand what you will do at this job

If you figure out what they expect from you at this new job, it will be easier to create suitable “project for the interview”. For this purpose you will need the vacancy description. Define what among the future responsibilities does not require inner information of the company, to which you do not have access yet, and start your “project”.

Step 3: Make separate project for each company, where you want to work

In such a way you can show certain employers that you can solve their problems. Suchlike “project” can help you greatly. Sometimes employers can even create positions specially for the candidate.

Step 4: Send your project to the company

For this purpose you should find the right person, who will pay attention to your project. If you send it to a small company, you can contact directly the general manager or the head of the department you want to work in. You can use social networks or e-mail.

If you send your project to a big company, it is more difficult. In this case it is better to get an invitation for the interview first. Sending resume, write in your cover letter that you have already created such a project, and send it to the person who will communicate with you at the interview couple of days before the set date.

HR experts say that the candidates who fulfill the above mentioned steps almost always get a job. Someone may say: “These rules do not work in my sphere! My sphere is different!”. However, it is not true, this is just a human behaviour. People want their problem to be solved, that is why they prefer to hire someone, who is already working to resolve the problem. Just try, it really works. And even if your project has not get response from the company, think about the corporate culture of this company and whether you really want to work in such a place.