How To Turn Professional Weakness Into Benefits


How To Turn Professional Weakness Into BenefitsAre you beginning professional career or radically changing the sphere of activity? Do not be afraid of your weaknesses, because they can help your career. Presenting this post on turning weaknesses into benefits, our resume writing service will teach you how to use your professional weaknesses to benefit yourself.

Many professional weaknesses can be turned into benefits. The most important thing is to understand how to present them to your potential employers. Resume writers online give useful advice on how to do it in this post on how to turn professional weakness into benefits.

You do not have experience = you want to learn and you are not dangerous

Being a trainee it is hard to feel professional. However, it may become perspective advantage, because when you are a trainee, other workers do not treat you as a danger or competitor, that is why they are more willing to help you. So they will share useful information more quickly with you. Building relationships with such experts, present yourself only as a curious beginner. Be patient, show your interest, act actively and persistently.

You are easily distracted = you have something to share

If you look for new information with much enthusiasm and passion, it may become basis for building of new relationships. Use your informational addiction to learn something new and share your knowledge with those who do not have time to learn what they are interested in by themselves. Send such people useful or amusing links.

Some experts give the following advice: if you are not as busy as your colleagues or managers, in this case you can spend your time on the search of useful information. You may become a source of new information, trends and opportunities for your mentors. As a beginner you may ask a lot, but try to give something instead.

You are not a “narrow specialist” = you have different approaches and ideas

The work you are interested in may imply different experience or education from what you have. However, you should not despair, because you can make something new, something unique. The best ideas appear at the intersection of different disciplines. You have your own qualification, and maybe you are exactly what a company looks for to go to the next level. Think over how you can use the ideas that you have in new environment.

You are afraid = you know what exactly you need

Experts say that something we are afraid of the most is what we need the most. In this case there is a good advice: when you feel paralyzed or uncertain, write down all the worst developments of the situation, very detailed and very specific. After that in the second column write everything what you can do to prevent it. And then write everything you can do to turn them back or minimize the damage, if these developments start coming to life. Having done all this, you understand that everything you have imagined is not that horrible as you think.

After that it is easier to fight you fears. Maybe you will see that the situation is not worth risking, and the consequences of the worst situation can be too much serious. The analysis of your fear allows to think clearly.

You are not competent sometimes = you can prioritize

It is hard to believe but even incompetence can be useful sometimes. This is a polite way to avoid certain tasks or activities to spend time on what you can do better (and what you are really interested in). One of the successful employees shares his experience: “The best way to make sure that that you will never be asked again to do something is to fail the task for the very first time, when you are asked about it. Of course, it is assumed that there are other more important businesses, in which you are much more competent”.

Experienced resume writing service reminds you that it is possible to get work without required experience. All you need is believe in yourself and find strong sides in the weaknesses. And with the help of this post about professional strengths and weaknesses you will learn how to do this.

Confidence is an important factor for employment

To present yourself to your potential employer in a proper way you should not only have necessary skills, but also be confident in your strengths, achievements and experience value. To be confident about your strengths you should have positive evaluation of your own skills and abilities, which are enough to achieve your main target, i.e. to be successfully employed.

Make a list of your skills and achievement, on which you can make an emphasis in your resume or at the interview. For this purpose:

  • Write down all the duties and functions that you have ever implemented during your work activity.
  • Each point complement with the achievements and your progress: what you used to do the best, in what sphere you managed to achieve the most success and so on.
  • Find the examples of efficient use for each of your skill.
  • Try to simulate the situations, in which you could use your skills to handle them.

Such a list will help you to realize what skills you should emphasize, and the most important is that you will definitely feel sure about them.

Respond to the vacancies that match your level. You should be 100% sure that you will cope with the job and you should also make your potential employer feel this confidence.

Take into consideration that all people react to non-verbal signals: your body language and uncertainty in the voice can reduce your value as a professional. That is why it is important to work at all the details in advance, rehearse the speech and reasoning. Learn how to speak correctly about yourself. The self-presentation skill is very essential in the work search process. In such a way you will manage to prepossess your interviewer, thus you increase your chances to get the desired job.