How To Explain Break In Experience At The Interview
Why employers question in detail about the breaks in work experience, also how and why you should explain them correctly we will tell you in this post on break in work experience.
A break in work experience is a common situation of many employees. If you have it, then a question about the reasons of break will be definitely asked, that is why it is better to prepare the answer in advance. To understand clearly what this answer should be, except the fact that it should be honest, our professional resume writer service will help you to figure out the reasons why employers are wary of gaps in employment.
Why employers ask about the gaps in work experience
When an employer sees you have a break in your experience, first of all he wants to know what you have been occupied with during that time to get more information about you as a candidate. If he does not get any convincing answer, the next stage is that he starts thinking that you probably have been looking for a job, but all attempts were in vain. Consequently he will start doubting about your professionalism and hardworking skills.
That is why it is extremely important to explain to a recruiter at the interview the true reasons of a break in work, so that he will not start guessing the reasons on his own, what may lead to undesirable conclusions. For example, he might think: “If others did not want to hire this candidate, I will not hire him as well”. Do not him the recruiter food for thought and doubts. Clearly, confidently and argumentatively tell about why you have not worked for some period of time.
How it is better to explain gaps in work experience
If you want to get a job, having any break in your work experience, it is enough to explain the break you have and persuade an employer in your professionalism. Our resume writing service advises how to do it in the best way. Follow our tips given in this post about how to explain break in work experience and you will not have any problem at the interview.
“Education in the University, self-development” instead of “Search for myself”
Education in the University is acceptable explanation from a young specialist who has started his work experience during the studying. And this is a good explanation not only for a young specialist. Basic and further education, training (qualification improvement), online education is an obligatory component of any professional, who does not stop at the achieved and constantly looks for the ways of self-development.
Besides, such a reason compensates well the temporary breaking of work experience. Along with this argument it would be great if you show the documents that prove the fact of education (certificates, diplomas), and also speak in detail about the goal of education and its results.
And the most common explanation, which seems absolutely indifferently for any person or implies psychological or intrapersonal problems of a jobseeker, is a figurative phrase “search for myself”. Honestly, try to avoid this hackneyed phrase that means nothing at all.
“Waiting for a response from the employer” instead of “Absence of interesting offers in the labour market”
In the big and transnational corporations the interview is held in several stages, it includes interview itself, testing and other checks, probation periods, what takes a couple of months. Another several weeks are required to identify the successful candidate. So even if you fail to pass all these stages, the fact that you have passed an interview in a well known company already deserves respect.
Absolutely other reaction can cause a story that you were choosing between several offers and eventually did not manage to choose. Or it is even worse if you tell that there are no interesting offers in the labour market.
In the first case you demonstrate your inability to make decision and show that you are an unreliable person, and if someone offers you other position with more favorable working conditions, you will probably accept it. And the argument that labour market is absolutely not interesting can tell an employer that you are either too much capricious, or lazy, or light-minded and you can quit the job when you get bored, or you just can not make anyone interested in your candidacy.
“Work without formal employment, volunteering” instead of “Attempt to create my own business”
Remote work, freelance, volunteering, probations, help someone from your friends – even if you worked without formal employment, you still worked. And if you had work, then you had some results. You should be ready to name the company or trade marks you used to work with, present your works, analyze experience you have gained and everything will be okay.
However, an attempt to create your own business, especially if it is an unsuccessful attempt, tells first of all about your inability to work under someone's guidance. It is absolutely normal life situation when a business idea has not been implemented from the first time. But unfortunately, a failed attempt to create your business will probably tell the employer about the lack of certain qualities and skills, which can be basic for the position (for example, purposefulness, ability to plan).
“Search of new ideas, travelling” instead of “Absence of the need to work, rest”
If you have a creative profession, then a “sabbatical leave / creative vacation” will not make anyone confused. Of course, it would be better to specify what this vacation has been spent on, where you have been, what exhibitions / shows you have visited, what master classes you have passed. If searching for the inspiration you started travelling, such an argumentation is good for the perception of the employer, because anyway you tried to find solutions to break the current creative crisis.
If you did not work just because there was no need to earn money, it means that work for you is just a tool for getting money, and not an opportunity to realize your potential, develop new skills and be useful. If such motives are extrinsic for a person, then the interest for work will hardly last for a long time. At the first opportunity such a worker will quit his job. Anyway, if you decide to quit, it would be useful for you to read our post on how to leave job without burning bridges, because later you may change your mind and want to return to work.
“Caring for sick relatives” instead of “Your own disease”
If life circumstances were such that you had to spend almost all your time on caring for a sick relative, this is the life and no one is immune from such coincidences. In this case just make an emphasis that this issue is already closed and it will not arise in future.
However, it is better not to tell about your personal health problems, medical treatment, especially do not tell the details. All possible diseases are not what you should discuss at work even if you are successfully employed already. And a perspective to pay the employee another sick leave will hardly make potential employer glad.
The reason for refuse in employment is not a break in work experience itself, but inability to give reasons and explain it. Be honest and convincing, and let you get lucky in finding a job.