Anyone Can Be A Leader: Myth Or Truth?


Can any person become a leader?

How is success connected with leadership? What is the difference between management and leadership? How to distinguish a pseudo leader from a real leader? Experts of our resume writing service know the answer to these and other questions and they share these answers with you in our post on leadership.

Here is a bright example for you. Mahatma Gandhi is an ideologist and leader of the movement for India's independence from Great Britain. Thanks to his philosophy of nonviolent resistance Gandhi is called the spiritual leader of the nation; people still use his work as a base of their own research and works.

However, is it necessary to write your name in the history to be considered a leader? Maybe it is enough just to manage a group of people? And in general, whether anyone can become a leader? Our customer resume editing service will try to figure out and give you the answers to all above mentioned questions.

What connection does a leadership have with success?

What can be considered success and to reach it? Thousands of papers are written on this issue, beginning with the primitive articles of network marketing leaders, where success is measured by the number of banknotes, ending with the thick academic publications, in which in almost scientific way the lists of preconditions of success are given. It is worth to pay attention to concise, capacious and easy formula for success created by business coach Radislav Gandapas. A person can be considered successful is he has an excess (surplus) of the four vital resources: time, energy, status and money. Deficiency in at least one of the mentioned resources means that the success is not achieved yet. By the way, the chosen sequence is not random:

a) An individual gets free time as a result of the desire.

b) Free energy is a result of work on yourself.

c) Excess status is gained as a result of work on yourself and on your surrounding.

d) And money is the result of the use of the first three resources.

So the “status” is leadership. Without leadership, at least small and insignificant, at least in something, but still leadership, the surplus of the status is not possible, and it means that success is not possible as well. Also, we remind you that to become a leader you need to get a good job first. It will be easier to find a job if you use resume services nyc that provide highly professional help in resume writing. Competently written resume will help you to achieve success faster.

What is the difference between management and leadership?

There is an opinion that the concepts “management” and “leadership” are identical and have the same meaning. If a person is a manager, then he is a head and consequently he is a priori a leader. However, it is not like that. Absolutely different functions are at the core of each concept.

“Management is a science how to do the things correctly. Leadership is a science how to do correct things” – writes Peter Drucker, one of the most influential theorists of management of the XX century.

It is a mistake to use the concept “leadership” towards people, who are on the top of management hierarchy. It is also a mistake to call “management” those people, who are on the lower level at the same organization, and to call the rest “staff, specialists and hired employees”.

In our modern world leadership is demanded from almost each person regardless of what professional group they belong to. Leadership is not a set of characteristics. Leadership is a behavior style.

Whether anyone can be a leader

In fact, we all can become leaders. It is like “each acorn is theoretically oak”. But oak and “theoretically” oak is a little bit different things. An acorn needs to fall in the right soil to become oak. Having fallen, it is necessary that a pig does not eat it, that rain and sun work in the right mode, that a lawnmower does not cut it.

The same is for a man. He needs to get in the right surrounding. And then he will blossom. However, not each person understands what means “my surrounding” and does not know where to look for it. Besides, there is also a so called “fate factor”, when a person is born in the wrong time and in the wrong place.

But! We can say with confidence that in the civilization, in which we are born, each healthy individual at least once in life is tested for leadership. Each! Some people are leaders in the childhood, others are in adolescence, other in youth, others in army, others in university and so on. And only some of them carried their leadership from the nursery age to adulthood, because they managed to hold their leading position.

What does leadership begin with?

Leadership begins with a good blood chemistry that gives energy surplus, and after that follows a search of an idea or even a super idea, how this surplus can be used. Energy without idea leads to such effect as “A fool with the initiative is more dangerous that a thief” or “Make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead”. And a lot of ideas in the mind without energy are reflected in the saying “Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse”.

There should be a “mechanism” between an idea and energy that will lead to the balance between these two factors and will be useful in three fields of human activity: usefulness for yourself; usefulness for “earth” (the society); usefulness for “heaven” (godly value). The ideas that cover all three kinds of usefulness have the most hard-to-reach competitive advantages. Consequently, it is the key to long-term leadership. Otherwise it will be easy to lose the leadership.

Moment of leadership loss

Few people pay attention to the moment of leadership loss, however this moment is just a consequence. The reason for it is either change of your environment, or a leader’s abuse towards the surrounding. When a “king” starts abusing, he gradually reaches a critical mass of enemies. What eventually leads to mass rush of “retinue” to another “king”.

How to distinguish a pseudo leader from a real leader

There are two essential signs that help to see whether a leader is real or false.

1. According to the chief concept

A real leader follows the concept of creator, not the chief concept. That is why he does not think that it is necessary to protect his territory from encroachments of other leaders. He (leader) knows that even if someone encroaches on the territory, authority or initiative, that person will get only a temporary victory. With time everything will return to normal.

However, a pseudo leader is afraid of such things, because he has to protect his territory in a harsh form. Eventually he comes to the fact that he deals only with this protection, developing in himself the syndrome “paranoia of a chief”.

2. According to the principle of decision making

A leader tests each his decision for correctness. It means that he understand that he might be mistaken. However, a pseudo leader never has doubts about the correctness of his decisions. And criterion in the decision making for him is not a test for fallacy, but a storm of applause of the crowd. Is there enough of applause? It means that decision is made. If ovation is not enough, it means that a “leader” will work with the crowd to make the number of those who applaud bigger. And the one who does not applaud is enemy.

An example of Winston Churchill makes you think that any gained skills are built on the base of irrepressible desire to move on, to strive for more and ultimately to lead. Leader is a man “"at the forefront”, who feels the “smell” of his sweat and holds the hand of his colleague. We have much to learn from the great Sir Winston Churchill, haven’t we?

We hope that this post on whether anyone can be a leader was useful for you. Now you know what means to be a real leader, and maybe you will improve your leadership skills and people will start following you.