An Ideal Candidate: Whom Employers Look For
Job search process becomes more and more complicated for job seekers every day. Requirements for potential workers become higher and tougher. Candidates often can not understand what employers want and look for. The labor market constantly changes, and consequently requirements for future employees change all the time as well. To stand out from the whole flow of job seekers you need to understand what kind of a person employers consider a perfect candidate. Our resume writing service tries to figure out what experience, knowledge, education and skills are required in modern realities of the labor market according to the level of position. So in this post on an ideal candidate we will share with you whom employers look for and what kinds of job seekers usually get work.
Primary echelon
This is the most massive category, to which belong call-centers staff, sales assistants, drivers, workers employed in manual labor and so on. Before the crisis of 2008 there were not special requirements for this category of employees. In most cases it was enough to have appropriate personal qualities and desire to work. Now this all is not enough. So what is required now?
- You need to have appropriate experience, be motivated for work in a certain company.
- A candidate must be able to think independently and know how to make decisions and not only to comply with instructions, and to be initiative.
- An employer wants to see in a candidate understanding of why he wants to work in the organization, for how long he wants to work and what he wants to achieve.
- Also remember that a sense of responsibility will be valued at all times.
“White collars”
Workers of offices, managers, middle managers are called “white collars”. The demands to this category of specialists have become tougher significantly. Now it is required specialized education, not just work experience, but the owning of successful work experience in this field, and achievements are also essential. Employers now not so willingly invest in young professionals and undertake their training.
If you want to get a position of a middle manager, then it will be necessary to have people management experience, as well as the skills of strategic and tactical planning. Knowledge of foreign languages is required now more often.
Senior management
Top managers, heads of enterprises, departments and branch offices belong here. A good manager knows how to reach the set goals, understand people and ensure profits. Significant achievements and success are just what an employer needs. An owner must be sure that under your control the business will not only go well, but also develop.
In general
Our professional resume writers remind you that appearance is also important for any level of employees, i.e. neatness in clothing, good speech, friendly attitude and so on. You need to pay attention to recommendations from your previous workplaces or educational establishments. Be ready to give the names of your former supervisors, partners, and tutors of educational groups who can give recommendations about your work. An ability to present yourself in a favourable light also influences the decision of an employer.
There are no perfect people, however employers more often set strict limits that is why candidates need to strive to be better and the best. Labour market is a complex mechanism, but it always offers opportunities. Start work search process with the self-evaluation. Define what you need to fix and improve, what you may lack, what it will be better to begin with. It is not easy, but you need to strive and you will get more opportunities.
Why an employer should hire you
From the point of view of any candidate, he is the one who, and not other job seekers, should get the coveted job. All employers ask themselves why they should how exactly this very person. So you need to be ready to answer this question.
“Why should we hire you?” – this question is asked at almost every interview. And this is one of the most difficult interview questions. To learn other tricky questions read our post on questions that can deceive you on our resume writing website. This question irritates some candidates and puzzles others. So how to behave and how to answer it?
First of all, keep calm and do not worry. You need to be morally ready to this question and accept it as an essential attribute of an interview. Unfortunately there is no universal answer to this question, because all the candidates and positions are unique in their own way and the companies are different as well. It is important for an employer to know that he will choose the best candidate among them all. And the main task is to make employer believe that you are the one whom he looks for. Our experts recommend to emphasize those nuances that are important for the position in the company. Prove that your professional skills and experience will allow to solve the future tasks. For this purpose you need the following things:
- Be aware as much as possible of the company's business;
- Learn what recent projects the company has implemented, what its goal and means are;
- Learn as much as possible about the company before interview.
Usually they ask this question in the end of an interview, so you will have opportunity to specify some facts during the interviewer if you have not managed to find enough information about the company. These facts may help to answer correctly the question.
What an employer wants to hear?
Different recruiters, heads of companies or departments can react in different way to the answer. But they all are guided by two main motives. The first one, they ask this question just to “ask” and the second one is to make sure about your intentions and qualification. In the first case for an interviewer it will be enough to hear that your skills meet the requirements, that the salary will be satisfying and that you are ready to start implementing your duties. In the second case an employer wants to see the emphasis on your competitive advantages, prove that you know work specifics, know how to use professional skills and what exactly you can do for the company.
An employer expects a small self-presentation of a person whom he interviews. In the self-presentation you need to tell briefly about yourself, your achievements, to prove the understanding of the company goals and the ways of their reaching. This is a good way to test self-esteem of a candidate as well.
What to do if you do not know the answer to the question?
If you really want to get the job, but you realize that you do not meet the requirements, the most important thing is not to panic and not to give up. Employer is already interested in your candidacy since he has invited you for the interview. First of all tell about the strengths, avoid sentences that contain participle “no”, demonstrate the interest and desire to work. Many employers know that the one who wants usually makes more than the one who can.