5 Jobseeker’s Qualities That Do Not Let Them Find A Job
HR management experts tell about the cases when job search is not successful because of a job seeker. “Job search becomes more complicated just because of the incompetence of HR managers and recruiters” – this is what most job seekers think. Our customer service professional resume website publishes the reasons for failure, when the problem is about the job seekers. In this post on qualities that prevent from finding a job we present you a list of five qualities that cause troubles in the process or work search. By the way, if you want to avoid problems related with a job search, then you need to have competently written resume. Use services provided by our professional resume writers to get really worthy resume that contributes to successful search of work.
5th place: No sense of humor
Of course, sense of humor is a feature formed by the nature and nurture in infancy, that is why it is put on the fifth place (but many recruiters would like to place it second). Sense of humor includes not only person’s ability to make jokes, but also his reaction to jokes. Exceptional seriousness in everything, jokes non-acceptance, perplexed reaction to attempts to defuse the situation, comments like “this is not funny because…” probably should create the impression of professionalism, but usually they create impression of tediousness and wild bore.
How the lack of sense of humor can be revealed
1) You can not remember any joke or any funny case from your previous job or from your life in general, and someone’s request to remember funny situation confounds you.
2) It is “mission impossible” to catch you laughing or at least smiling. Well, of course, you smile meeting new people and on family photos, but only because once some very wise man has told you that in such cases it is accepted to slightly open mouth and show teeth a little bit. Recruiters notice this quickly.
3) You do not like comedies as a genre (this point is given here not for recruiter, but for you honestly for self-identification, although recruiter can also make such a question).
4) You believe that laugh for no reason is a sign that you are a fool; that it is a sin to laugh at (and here you give a long list of reasons); that you have an extremely serious work, and humor interferes with it; that humor is just a psychological protection of people with large complexes (by the way, there is some truth in this statement) and so on.
5) And yes, you have caught the irony in the previous point.
What to do?
Of course, it is very difficult to develop sense of humor for an adult who does not have it. Or it may be even impossible, but you must try to do at least something! Sign up for a training course of writing jokes (no joke, such trainings exist), train your laughter that seems like natural when you watch something what your relatives consider funny (even if you do no think so), learn several professional jokes and use them at the interviews as “pre-prepared impromptus”. You will be satisfied, because there are at least 5 reasons for humor during the working hours.
4th place: Closeness
Now it is time of networking, quick acquaintances and meetings, easy access to any information, confessions in social networks, public confessions and “man-man” professions. Your absence of desire to talk about the school and university years, family relationships, and hobbies is theoretically clear, but all the same looks weird and in almost 100% of cases will play against you. More likely you will be suspected of suspect the complexities with the law or that you have paranoia. Choose what you like more.
How closeness can be revealed
1) You unwillingly give your passport to a guard at the entrance to the office (or you give some insignificant old ID card instead of the passport).
2) Sending resume you consciously do not mention your mobile number or urge to communicate with you via e-mail (sometimes email is purposely created for such cases, so that your personality can not be identified).
3) One of your favourite phrases is: “I would not like to discuss this issue / to answer this question”.
4) All your profiles on social networks (if they exist) are closed, it is forbidden to invite you to groups, write you messages, mention you in posts and mark you on photos, and to be added to your friend list it is necessary to pass complex control system.
What to do?
If you plan to work in a place where no one will never see and hear you, then you should probably do nothing at all (although you will have to pass selection process somehow). If you are going to work not only in such format, then at least you need to prepare answers (which will answer the questions, but will not make you turn your soul inside out) to the questions about your family, children, parents, childhood, hobbies, friends, free time, sport and books, i.e. about everything that you did not want to discuss earlier.
3rdplace: Conservatism
Traditions are good. Especially when they are ceremoniously handed down from generation to generation and beautifully monetized. If they make you type your resume on typewriter and com to the interview with a pager, you should be ready for the fact that you are diagnosed with a lack of flexibility, which is so much required now in any sphere.
How conservatism can be revealed
1) You do not like new modern words and you are dreaming secretly to return old alphabet.
2) You still wear you lucky underwear for important occasions, although it is sixteen years old.
3) You never allow yourself to put a smile in your resume or use color font, and in general you use old template.
4) All six years you used to go to your work the same way, had dinner in the same café and ate the same food every day (and you were extremely upset if your café was closed and another one was opened on its place).
5) You have a ready-made time-tested solution to all typical tasks.
What to do?
Before starting to look for a job, read what new is going on in your professional sphere, what new tendencies are, learn at least the names of new technologies, and it would be perfect to figure out how they work. Also before interview try to discover the dress code adopted by the company, and put on something more appropriate, instead of your everyday suit, which you used to wear the last 20 years.
2nd place: Faultfinding
If you look closely, you will notice that there is a lot of imperfection that “you are afraid to live”. However, remember that recruiters do not admire those, who constantly talks about this imperfection, and vise versa they tend to those, who even in difficult situations are ready not to lose optimism and see pluses.
How faultfinding can be revealed
1) Do like to “analyze” (as you usually call it) the events and actions of people and give them an “objective feedback”, which they usually do not like. In fact, one and the other is pure criticism, whatever you call it.
2) Your profiles in social networks look like compilation of complaints about communal services, low-quality goods and disgusting road, they are full of smasher on other people's articles, complaints about poor service and suchlike comments “I had no doubts that it all would and like this”.
3) During the work search process and during official interview or any informal conversation you can easily formulate three / five / ten disadvantages of your previous workplace, situation in your country, sunny weather, whatever else, but it is hard for you to formulate advantages, or they do not seem convincing to you.
4) You with pleasure point to a recruiter at the errors in the vacancy announcement or correct his slips of the tongue. Even if you do it in the mind’s eye, in your face it is all very easy to read.
What to do?
Look for pluses, in the very beginning forcibly and in everything: in the absence of response to your resume, in the interview reschedule, in the fact that your interviewer is young, in the weather, road, people, expensive food – in everything.
1st place: Heightened self-esteem
Your sincere confidence that in a company with thousand workers during three years you were the only one who really worked, and the owner had to give you ten percent of the share can not answer the question why you were fired.
How heightened self-esteem can be revealed
1) You answer “of course, I can / I know how” to any question or suggestion of a recruiter without waiting until he finishes the sentence.
2) You speak in disparaging tone about sophisticated functions, big money, small companies, unskilled managers, substandard subcontractors and any other things, which you have outgrown long ago.
3) You are in a stately pose, look at the recruiter with a facial expression “oh, come on…”, grin and wave your hand dismissively.
4) You command and estimate all the time: let’s skip this question; it is written in resume; read it, I do not have much time; what a silly question; I will better tell you about…; a normal person will not do this and so on. Also you are happy to give advice: if I were you…; you would better change…; you need more control.
5) You call a recruiter “darling, honey, lady” or stress can not remember recruiter’s name, or altered it in your own way.
6) During those five minutes that you were waiting for the interview, you walked around the office, went to the bathroom, pulled out of the cabinet and looked through a couple of books, and in general behave as if you are at home.
7) You sincerely believe that the company should do first steps to get such a valuable employee and resent if they dare to wait for something from you. Maybe it would be better for you to have a remote job. Read post on best remote jobs on our resume writing website.
What to do?
Globally you need to go to a psychologist and work with low (yes, this is not a misprint!) self-esteem, because external self-assertion is probably its compensation. Locally you need to find your disadvantages and negative features, enumerate for yourself failures from previous workplaces, remember people who are more competent than you are, and slightly reduce the requirements to others (in this case to the representatives of a company, in which you want to get a job).
Of course, this list may seem subjective. However, heightened self-esteem and faultfinding in different forms are met very often and interfere with getting good work. If you are a competent and valuable specialist, and you can not find a job for a long time, reread this post on jobseeker’s harmful qualities once again. And the next time when you are invited for an interview do something differently. Keep our tips in mind and you will succeed soon.