5 Reasons Why Qualified Candidates Get Refusal
Why highly qualified candidates get refusal
Why do candidates who have really high qualification and meet all the requirements of a vacancy get refusal? It seems if a job seeker has enough qualification and work experience for an open position, he will definitely be hired for a job. However, the practice shows that candidates who are “overqualified” (as recruiters call highly qualified job seekers) sometimes look for a job even longer than those who has just start searching.
Why does it happen so? Our resume writing service names 5 reasons for it in this post on why qualified candidates get refusal.
1. A candidate does not match the corporate culture of a company
Except professional there are always quite clear demands to a candidate in terms of personal qualities. It is connected with the “perfect picture” of an employee that an employer often imagines. Even if a candidate is a “superstar” in his field, but for example he does not keep the basic ethical standards or he does not share current corporate culture, then an employer will not miss the chance to look for other person (but only in case when it is not very urgent to fill the vacancy). You should always remember that not only a job seeker should be suitable for a company, but also vise versa a company should meet a candidate’s expectations. Read our post on how to recognize corporate culture during interview so that you could understand at once whether it is comfortable for to work in a company you choose.
2. A candidate is more competent than potential employer
When a person is much more competent than his potential employer, and employer is not ready to admit this fact and communicate in adequate way, there can not be team work between them. Not each employer can easily handle such a situation, unfortunately. And if such competent candidate comes to his employer in a couple of months and asks for a salary increase, at this moment there cooperation may end at all.
3. A candidate does not show serious attitude to the work
When a job seeker has work experience much bigger than required, then he may become bored, he will be easily distracted by other things and he himself will start distracting other colleagues. And eventually he may want to change his job. If in some companies constant initiative, activity and expansion of duties are a part of corporate culture, then in other companies or within separate positions of such companies there is no possibility to realize the potential of the employees with such demands.
It is quite possible than happen other interesting for an employer situation when a candidate will work at half strength without asking for something more. But there is always the risk of a soon quit. That is why employers more often hire a candidate whose qualification is maximally suitable for the required responsibilities and does not exceed them.
4. A candidate is not going to stay for a long time – “temporary worker”
Some candidates have the following position “I will work for now and see what happens”. Yes, a person has work experience, but he does not know what he wants exactly, what he wants to do in the future, and considers the company as an intermediate option. This situation is similar to the situation described above, that is why such workers usually scare employers. Usually any position requires constant, firm employees, and not temporary workers who consider the company as an intermediate chain in their career.
5. Suspicion of hidden problems
Very often a “too good” candidate is suspected in something bad. Why did he quit his previous work and can not find a job of his level? Maybe, he is an incorrigible quitter? Or maybe he has problems with alcohol? Or he used to steal pens in the office? These bad suspicions employers try to check with the help of recommendations from previous workplace. But in general the inner voice of an employer may prevent the company from hiring a really professionally strong candidate.
Tips for employers and job seekers
Employers should remember that there are different life situations when “overqualified” candidates sell short. Te reasons for this may be problems with health, emotional burnout, move to another country or city, family or personal crisis, desire to rest more or absence of any other adequate work. That is why sometimes it is necessary to understand more deeply the motives of a person to get a job.
Job seekers should always try not to show the qualities, due to which most candidates get refusal. And if you feel that the above mentioned fears plague your potential employer, you need to be proactive and allay the fears. For example, you may sign long-term contract, tell honestly about the reasons of your actions, which cause questions, show genuine interest and enthusiasm. In short, be persuasive.
How not to lose a job before you get it
It sounds strange but it is possible to lose a job before you get it. How? Not to come to a meeting with a recruiter, for example. There are such job seekers who just enjoy being job seekers. A candidate publishes his resume on the Internet, recruiter contact him, they arrange time and date of a meeting, and a candidate does not come at all. Many employers complain that job seekers often disrupt interviews without having warned an HR manager and not having explained the reason. Why does it happen? Let’s try to figure out together. By the way, if you need help in resume writing, you can use services provided by the professional resume writers nyc. Our writers are among the best professionals in the field.
You overslept, forget, flew away, floated away (underline whatever applicable)
It is hard to imagine that a person who needs job can forget about the interview. Even if you really were busy, you were rescuing an old lady from fire or taking off a kitten from a tree, you need to fix the situation.
If you have a serious reason that unsettled you, explain it to a recruiter. You must contact him as soon as you remember about the appointment. Let him know that this job is interesting and important for you and you are ready to come at any time that a manager will fix.
Do not think that if you have missed the interview, there is nothing you can do about it, and you should not abide by the circumstances. Probably, the company is interested in you and will gladly consider your candidacy again.
You have changed your mind
It happens that weighing all the “pros” and “cons” of work in a certain company, you realize that it is not for you, and it is better to continue your searching. Or, for example, you have been invited for the interview by several companies, and one of them is ready to hire you for a job. If this is what you are dreaming about, then the search will be hardly continued. This is your right. But do not forget that recruiter will be waiting for you at the appointed time. Maybe, he will even cancel the interview with other candidate.
If you do not want to call, you hesitate or just want to avoid an unpleasant conversation, still you must phone the recruiter and explain him the reason for your absence. Do not make him wait for you, change his schedule and postpone plans. Who knows, maybe you will have to meet him again in the future. If you do not want to seem irresponsible unreliable, you need to fix the situation at once.
You were underestimated
Another common reason why candidates do not come to the interview is that a recruiter has changed the rules of the “game”. For example, in an advertisement on employees search they wrote one salary, but on the phone they offered you much lower sum of money. You did not refuse at once, but having thought about the situation, you decided not to consider this option and crossed out this company from your list.
In this case you should also contact the recruiter. Yes, their actions are not very fair. But still you must respect their time and try to specify at once all the nuances that interest you before you arrange the time of interview.
What are the consequences of a job interview skip
On the one hand the answer is “there are no consequences”. What can a frustrated potential manager or recruiter do? They may scold you and forget in some time. However, the things are not that simple. The recruitment world has its own rules, its alliances and communities. Many professional HR managers communicate with each other, attend the same trainings and seminars. And almost each of them has his own “black list”, in which they add such job seekers. To protect colleagues from unscrupulous candidates such lists are spread in HR communities all the time. And you are risking not to get attention of employers in the field you are interested in.
Do not be careless, value your time and respect the work of other people. If you miss interview and do not warn about it, this is the sign of the lack of culture and the elementary etiquette. Our experts recommend you to be more attentive to the setting of such meetings, so that you do not have to blush afterwards.