Working Multiple Jobs: Pros And Cons


Low income and free time often make an employee search for another job. Besides, hunting the freedom, many workers start to refuse from stable eight hour schedule, giving preference to part-time day in several organizations. In this working multiple jobs post  we will tell you about how to have a couple of jobs and also discuss pros and cons of working multiple jobs. If you need to write resume, you can order it on our website. Our team of professional writer will help you and our supportive team is always there for you.

A couple of years ago it was considered not prestigious “to turn a penny” or “to boil the pot”. Today part-time work is not only good income, but also a unique chance to get additional experience and knowledge.

A person may work for unlimited number of employers. In fact any organization can not prohibit its workers to have another work. However, when an employee is hired he signs employment contract with employer, which may regulate certain requirements to additional income.

For example, a worker that knows commercial secret has no right to have any other work. Also not all employers will agree to let their staff work for the competitors. Another limit for getting multiple jobs is workload of an employee, which often does not allow to make time for extra income.

Nevertheless, there are many vacancies today that imply employment for part-time or day when you are free to use the remaining time on your own (including additional income).

The most widespread jobs that allow to have extra income are lawyers, web-masters, programmers, accountants, secretaries and representatives of other professions, who can work for several small companies at the same time.

The advantage of multiple jobs for enterprises is that there is no need to organize workplace, and the disadvantage is in confidentiality. Only correctly prepared labor contract will protect an employer from disclosure of his secrets.

Working multiple jobs for a specialist has positive as well as negative aspects. The pluses are that a worker has general financial protection (there is a small chance that he / she will be fired from several works at once), he / she has free time, freedom to choose project, opportunity to get additional knowledge and experience.

The negative sides of working multiple jobs are the absence of vacations schedule (in one organization the work is finished, while in another the work only begins), the presence of possible overlap in time (necessity to complete several projects at the same time).

Freedom or illusion?

Part-time working day seems more attractive to some employees than ordinary schedule from 9 am to 18 pm. According to their mind, such a variety gives more free time and helps to avoid overwork.

For example, there is a web designer Stacy who performs professions, which may seem absolutely opposite. Stacy got the education of designer and a couple of years worked for a company for the full time. Everything seemed okay, but the work load was variable: sometimes she did not have projects for weeks, but she had to be present in office. Now she works in her specialty for other company with free schedule, and at the same time she works as merchandiser. A lot of her friends do not understand why she works in this field, they think she wastes her time. However, Stacy claims that it is much better, than sitting days and nights in front of computer screen. Sometimes it is just necessary to change the surrounding and atmosphere.

Nevertheless, such an attitude to work requires great discipline and ability to organize your time. If these qualities are absent, a worker in some time may discover that it is much harder to work multiple jobs than to work standard eight hour day.

Not everyone can work multiple jobs. Even if we talk about several part-time works, an employee is required to be more self-organized, mobile, able to “switch” from one kind of activity to another. It is something like freelance. A kind of freedom illusion is created, but in fact you have to work much more. Some workers perform additional jobs during the main working time. Such an option perfectly suits those who have irregular workload, and have few free minutes in their working time. Designer, for example, can successfully combine his main occupation with the work of copywriter. Pluses of such multiple jobs is in time saving. A worker gets opportunity to enlarge his income and there is no need to spend time on the road from one work to another.

What occupation can be considered “second-rate”?

Except the necessity of precise organization of working time performing multiple jobs, another problem may appear. As a rule, having several jobs a worker considers one of them main, and others are second-rate. Such a division may lead to the drop of responsibility while duties performing. The fact that is very unpleasant and undesirable for an employers.

Many employers have quite cautious attitude to the workers who have other jobs. Constant phone calls and thoughts about other work distract an employee from his duties. That is why most employers prefer to hire specialists who devote all their time to one single work. They say that serious posts require serious attitude and self-commitment.

According to the workers who work multiple jobs, the level of responsibility does not depend on the number of workplaces, if a worker does it willingly.

There are a lot of people who start their own business and continue working in other company. They can not be called irresponsible, vice versa, the more duties one can take, the more responsibility he / she shows.

Is it worth to hire an employee who already has a job?

In spite the fact that having multiple jobs becomes more widespread phenomenon, employers are still afraid of hiring a worker who already has other job. According to the experts, you can understand all the risks and fears of such a situation on the interview stage, if you manage to figure out the motivation of a specialist.

The first thing an employer should pay attention to is a motive of an employee. The most common motive is extra income. If a worker needs constant income, there is nothing you should worry about, but if he has just some temporary financial difficulties, you should be ready that a worker may quit the job when the problems are solved. Seldom, but there are cases that one looks for another work due to personal problems, for example, person wants to spend less time at home. In this case the risk that worker will not show appropriate responsibility is very high, because his main motivation is just to pass the time.

So let’s sum up. Working multiple jobs is always connected with certain risks for the worker, as well as for the employer and company. That is why specialist should evaluate his abilities, have direct motivation and have equally responsible attitude to each job. Even having flexible or free schedule, work in several companies requires twice as much responsibility, self-discipline and ability to plan your working time.

Working multiple jobs is possible, but requires much more efforts, physical and moral strength than ordinary job. So if you think of getting another job, weigh all the pros and cons to make right decision.