When It Is Necessary To Refuse The Offers For A New Job


Are you looking just for a job or for something more?

What career goal you have this year? Many people will answer that they want to find or change their workplace. But maybe you should look beyond and try to get more?

We spend most of our time at work. Of course, money is the major stimulus that makes us get up early in the morning, stay longer in the office and work on holidays. But is that all what we want, all what we need? Of course, not. A man needs much more to be happy. That is why you should look for a job basing on this “more” not to regret about each day. Our it resume service has prepared the main needs, which can not be ignored, and presents you this post on when it is necessary to refuse job offers.

We want to be appreciated

We want to be appreciated not for our beautiful smile, but for our skills and abilities. We are not interested in just occupying the space with our body. We want to have reason for being at the workplace, we want to know that someone needs it and someone will really appreciate our work.

We want to love our work

When the line between work and pleasure disappears, we become happy. Each time when we apply for a new work, we want to love it very much. Unfortunately, it does not happen every time, but it does not mean that we need to accept it. You have to move forward all the time. If money is the main goal for you, then you should take into consideration that you can reach it only having achieved success in your work, consequently your work should bring you pleasure.

We want to grow and develop

Or at least we want to have such an opportunity to grow and develop. People can not stay at the same level during all their life. When we cook dinner and it is not very tasty, the next time we want to make it better, and even better the next time. Our inner desire for self-development is very strong, and if an employer will not encourage or restrain it, then everyone will be able to reach his own heights. If growth is impossible within one company, then you need to go beyond its limits. Growth consists not only of big positions. Growth includes new skills and improvement of the skills you already have. Growth is education.

We want to have stability

The precarious economic situation in the country makes us be afraid to lose job and have no means for the existence. We often prefer lower salary, in stability of which we can be sure, to better conditions in a young company. Some employers use this factor effectively and will use it further, until we let them do it. Our government is not creating favourable and comfortable environment for small and medium businesses, which can change the situation. However, it is important to realize that stability depends on us. Stability depends on the level of our professionalism, self-consciousness, self-confidence, care about others and ability to help those, who need it. Stability should not be associated with dissatisfaction from work. You should feel stable and convenient. You should not ignore the things that nourish you psychologically in your work. You should strive for more, do not set narrow limits for yourself, and do not let others do it.

When you need to reject new job offers

People are terrified to say “no” when someone offers them a job, even if this offer is terrible itself. There are many positions, which you should avoid without any hesitation. How can you understand what job offers you need to reject at once, and what offers should be thought over? Our resume service presents you a couple of signals that help to refuse inappropriate offer in time. We hope that this post about how to reject job offers will be useful for you.

Initial contact with the employer looks unprofessional

If communication and contacts with a company, in which you have interview, are poor, if atmosphere is not good, unprofessional, or there is just no normal contact, then this is a serious warning. If your potential employer is too much busy to give you adequate information about position or to answer some urgent questions, who knows, what else he does not care about.

Meeting with a manager leaves unpleasant impression

Pay attention to the tome and atmosphere. When you meet your potential employer and other workers of a company for the first time, try to feel their personalities, styles and approaches. It all defines the corporate culture of a company. You can read post on how to decode corporate culture on our website. If it seems that you will not feel that you are in the right place in this company or that you will not manage to build good positive relationships with your boss, then this is a sign that this work may not be for you.

Conditions of final offer differ a lot from what was described at the very beginning in the vacancy advertising

The salary is lower than you expected. It happens very often. Although it is difficult economic situation now, but still you should never agree to occupy position that offers much less money than you could get in other company. If you are sure (after necessary competitive and market analysis) that you can demand much more money for your skills and experience, do not be afraid to insist. On practice some bargain is often appropriate, especially for the high positions. However, if job offer differs significantly from what you have been told at first, this is a serious negative signal about employer.

Real duties differ from the initial description

When you get formal offer of job, more often there is mentioned the name of position and direct manager. If both meet your expectations and you have talked to this very manager, then probably everything is okay.  If something else is mentioned there, then you need to find out more to understand the real duties and the hierarchy of the organization. Do not leave anything to chance. Ask, for example, what daily duties are and what the most successful worker (on this position) does in the company. If you expect you will manage people, but it seems that your real duties are to attach documents and send them by fax, then you need to figure out what is going on.

Work will not play in your favor in the long run

If position, for which you have an interview, looks like a dead end, then probably it is so. One of the most important things, which you need to realize when someone offers you job, is where it will lead you in future. Will it give you invaluable contacts and knowledge that will help you to be promoted in future? Where will this position lead to? What new skills will you develop?

Take a step back and see the overall picture: how will this work not only strengthen your career opportunities, but also will benefit your life in long term? You should think seriously about your career and see it clear what this work will lead to in a year, three years, five years and so on. Do not waste your time on position that will not bring you growth, or broaden your life in some aspects. Your time, energy and efforts are too much valuable for this.

Eventually, if you completely considered a job offer, and it seems that there are the above mentioned signals present, most likely you should refuse from it, and it is much easier than it might seem. Just be sincere, brief and show respect. Thank for the offer, explain your refusal briefly and clearly, and you negative opinion keep to yourself. And do not forget to stay in touch with employer (if your refusal was accepted professionally and humanly), because you can never know what may suddenly change, and this company will become more positive chance for you in future.

We can also add that people often rush to refuse the “horizontal” growth, i.e. offer that does not imply promotion. Their ego is screaming: “I have already done suchlike work! It is not widescale enough for me!” But in fact such steps can be useful for you, if they help you to grow in the desired direction. Do not neglect such work at once, it may become a good springboard to something you dream about. Thoroughly examine such opportunities and make reasonable decisions without haste.