What Employers Expect From Candidates During The Interview



Are you looking for a new jog or just going to look for it? Well, it is obvious you will not avoid interviews. To help you with the interview passing our resume writing service presents you 9 actions that employers expect from all the candidates during the interview and after it. So read this post on what employers expect from candidates during the interview to know how to behave. Specialists of our professional resume maker will help you to get well prepared for the interview and to get the job you want.

At the good interviews a candidates speak much more than an interviewer. And it is logical, because the meeting is devoted to the one who looks for a job. However, there are some things that interviewers would like to tell the candidates before the meeting. According to Jeff Haden, author of more than 30 successful business books and popular articles, here is what employers would like to tell the candidates, and what their main expectations are at the interview and after it. Also you can read additional tips on how to nail every interview to feel even more confident at the meeting with your potential employer.

1. I want you to be pleasant to communicate with

It sounds obvious, isn’t it? Yes, it is, but it does not make this point less important. I want to work with people whom I like and who like me. I want you to smile and look in my eyes, turn in my direction sitting on a chair and show enthusiasm. Labor relations are relations anyway, and you start to build them at the interview.

If candidate make good impression and manager to create real contact with the interviewer, his chances increase to get a position he is applying for, he becomes a big fish in a small pond of potential workers. You may have outstanding skills, but if I do not feel that it will be comfortable for me to work wit you, I will not hire you. Life is too short.

2. I do not want you to accept the job offer at once

I want you to strive to get a job, but not before you learn what its essence is. Probably, you will have to work really hard 60 hours a week, you will have to spend 80% of your time traveling and report to a person, who has less knowledge and experience than you have. It does not matter how much well you have learnt about the approaches of the company. You can not want the job before you learn all the details.

3. I want you to be catchy and memorable for me

The sad truth is that employer can remember some candidates after the meeting only if they look into the notebook with records. The more people come to the interview and the more detailed conversation we have, the more likely I will remember the candidate by the impressions from the meeting, not by the long list of facts.

That is why when the colleagues and I discuss the candidates for the vacancy after the interview at the very beginning I remember them in such a way: “a guy with a weird stainless steel case”, “a woman who is engaged in triathlon” or “a gentleman from Liechtenstein”.

In short, I can remember you by the “catches” (good or bad), so use it. Your clothes or unusual fact of your biography can “catch”. It would be even better if as a “catcher” you use a project that you have implemented in half the time or that has brought unimaginable sale. Instead of allowing me to choose, give me one or two good reasons to remember you.

4. … but be remembered with something good

Of course I will not remember everything you are saying. But I will definitely remember how you complain about your former employer, colleagues and clients. For example, if you hate micromanagement, it would be better to say that you want more responsibility and duties. I understand you have reasons to change your job, but I want to hear why you want to work for me, and not why you do not like your former boss (if I do not ask about it).

And remember that I see the interview as the first date. I know that now you stand in front of me in the best possible way. But if you are complaining and grumbling now, what will happen in several months?

5. I want you to make really important for you questions

I need to understand whether I should hire you, but also it is important for me to understand that my work fits you. That is why I expect that you will make many questions. For example, what are my expectations about your first steps, how do our best workers stand out from the crowd, what can you do to achieve noticeable results, what factors will I take into consideration when evaluate you? Generally speaking, ask about everything important for you, for me and for my business. Only you know what work will be important and pleasant to you. I can not know such things. But I can figure it out making and answering the questions.

6. However the most number of questions should be about the work

It is obvious that you want to have time for your personal life. But still keep for later the questions about the holiday and vacation system, opportunity to leave the work earlier in case of dinner absence and about corporate kindergarten, which would be so much useful for your family. First of all it should be figured out whether you match this work, and whether the duties and responsibilities suit you. Only after that we can discuss everything else.

7. I like when you come with the “action plan”

I expect that you have studied my company before the meeting. It is already taken for granted on the market. To make me impressed tell what you will do first basing on your research. If you have some special skills, show me how I can benefit from your skills on the very first day. Remember about how I see the situation: I have to pay you salary from the first day, that is why I want to see the return on investment from the very beginning.

8. At the end of conversation I expect that you will ask to give you a job and explain why I should give it to you

At the end of the interview you should have a clear understanding of whether you want this job or not. If you need some more information, tell about it explaining what exactly you need to know to make decision. If you have enough information, then do as good salesmen do – ask for the job by yourself. I will like it. It is important for me that you want the job, and it is equally important to understand why you want this job. Speak honestly: “it is comfortable for me to work without being controlled from above”, “I like to work with several teams” or “I like the frequent trips”. Ask me to give you work and objectively prove that it suits you.

9. I want to get feedback from you after the meeting, especially if it comes from the heart

Every interviewer will appreciate if you total all the pluses in the letter after the meeting. Tell before you leave that you were glad to meet and you are ready to answer additional questions in the future. What I will really like and remember is if a letter after the meeting is connected with the subjects we have been discussing. Perhaps, we have been discussing the methods of data capture, and you will send me a selection of recommended tools. Or maybe we have been discussing the quality control, and you will send me developed by you checklist, which I can adapt and use in my company. Or probably we both are interested in bicycle riding, and you will send me a photo from the top of the pass Col du Tourmalet.

The more attentive you were at the interview, the easier it is to come up with a natural and informal way to continue the dialogue after the meeting. Remember that you and I begin new relationships, and even the most professional relations are based on cooperation.