How To Remind About Yourself After Interview


How to remind politely about yourself after an interview, without having spoiled the general impression? Or resume writing service knows the answer to this and other questions and is going to share them with you in this remind about yourself after interview post.

“Thank you. We will call you back” – usually with this very phrase each interview ends for most candidates. What should you do not to let this phrase be the last one and to make an interviewer inform you about the employment decision? Our resume proofreading service tells in what way you need to act in such situations.

Make clear the terms at the interview

Wile you are at the interview and in the end of conversation you should specify in what way the company will inform you about its decision and what the terms are, in case if an interviewer does not speak about it himself. Ask when you should wait for a feedback and whether it will okay if you remind about your candidacy in the written form with a letter or with a phone call when the terms end.

On the other hand, remember that in some companies the procedure of a new worker employment is “blurred” in time. For example, one responsible worker is away on business, another one is on vacation, someone else is on a sick leave or has rush jobs and so on. You may complain about the mess in the organization, but it all may be just a human factor, due to which they do not give you the answer about your employment in time.

In this case you need to act on your own

Write a letter after the interview

So called thankful letter is not something obligatory at all. Its presence or absence almost does not influence the final decision about a candidate. However, this is a great tool of a business etiquette, which will give you an opportunity to stand out a little bit among other candidates, emphasize your interest in the company and demonstrate your skills of business communication.

You may send a “thank you letter” a few hours after the meeting, or the next day. The letter should not be too big. Concisely thank for organizing the meeting and express your desire to continue communication.

Martha Godzina, consultant of recruitment company Hays, tells a great example from professional practice when such letter has worked: “I had a case when a candidate for the analyst position successfully passed several interview in the company, but at the last one he was too much nervous and did not cope well with a task that employer asked him to fulfill. The company was about to reject the candidate, but he just in time wrote a very sincere letter, in which he explained how much important it was for him to get a job in this very company and expressed his readiness to come to the company one more time to deal with different tasks and business cases during the whole day. The company appreciated the candidate’s purposefulness and as a result he successfully passed the second “examination” and got the job offer”.

Write a reminder letter about yourself

If they have not told you the certain terms, or you have forgotten to specify them, or the terms have already passed, then it is quite acceptable to remind about yourself with a polite letter, in which you need to: introduce yourself, mention the date of the previous meeting and the position, which you have discussed, ask if the decision about your candidacy has been already made. You may also add that you are not rushing the company with the decision, you are just reminding about yourself, because you are very interested in the vacancy or job in this very company.

Is it worth to make a phone call?

A phone call from a candidate during the working hours will hardly cause negative emotions, especially if you have discussed the call. But if you call a recruiter at night on the personal number, which he has not given you personally, you are risking to make not very pleasant impression. Even if previously you have passed the interview successfully. It also includes situations when candidates come to a company without being invited for an interview.

Should you add a recruiter in the social networks to your friend list?

If we are talking about professional networks, then yes, you can do it, there are not limits. Most specialists on recruitment use social networks as one of the tools of communication with the candidates.

However, before adding a recruiter as a friend on Facebook or other suchlike social network, evaluate the content of your profile from his point of view. Remember that your profile in the social networks may influence your career. Also you should take into consideration that some people use social networks for communication with friends only and can ignore your invitation.

How to remain in sight

Even if you are not hired to the company of your dream yet, you need to monitor the vacancies waiting for the one that will suit your experience. Or periodically (once in a month or two) to remind about yourself with a letter. But it is extremely important to comply with the measure. Responding to all the positions indiscriminately, hoping that at least to one of them you will be invited, is a wrong way. Company may consider that this is promiscuity in a career building.

Today interaction inside the companies (especially big international structures) is very long, because there are too many participants of a process and very often they are located in different countries. From the moment of a resume sending to the moment when you will be invited for an interview may pass a week or a month, and the whole process of negotiations with a company may take six months or even a year. Our service wishes all the candidates much patience and successful searching. Also remember that our specialists provide help in making a professional resume and cover letter writing. So if you face any difficulty about these issues, contact us and our professional writer will do their best for you.

How to overcome anxiety before the interview

Additionally we want to share with you how to stop being nervous preparing for the interview. Here are three tips that should help you if you are going to the interview and worry a lot. Some tense before the interview, as well as before any uncertainty, is absolutely normal and natural phenomenon. It is bad when nervousness goes off scale and paralyzes some brain areas. Our experts know how not to let this happen.

1. Be prepared for the interview

Does it mean that you need to make some special preparations before going to the interview? Yes, and again yes! It is elementary, but these rules somehow are ignored by every second job seeker: learn about the company as much as possible from all public sources; try to find someone you know, who works in the company, or just try to find the worker in the social networks and look at how they live; know perfectly the vacancy as well as your resume; prepare questions for the recruiters; answer yourself all the most common questions that can be asked at the interview (such as your strengths and weaknesses, the reasons for your dismissal from previous workplace, why should they hire you) and prepare convincing answers.

If you are the person who is always lost in any crisis situation, then the following recipe of preparation for an interview may help. Its essence is to be perfectly ready for the first twenty minutes of the interview, this part is usually held stereotypically.

If you do not have an opportunity to get prepared for the interview well, then do not agree at once with the interview date and time, and arrange it when it will be convenient for you. This is a right decision for you, since it will allow you to pay more attention to the preparation, as well as for the employer, who is interested in hiring the most suitable candidate to fill the vacancy.

2. Admit that you are not perfect

Let’s consider that you got prepared well for the interview at home and the degree of excitement is dropped a little. The next stage is to accept your nonideality. The main reason for fear is that a job seeker has some disadvantages that he does not manage to fix yet.

Probably, skills and abilities do not match completely what is required in the vacancy. Maybe a candidate has some obvious character flaws that could theoretically interfere with the work. Recognize them and be ready to speak about them honestly with a recruiter. There are no perfect people and employers understand it.

Admitting your weaknesses, an attempt to turn them into your distinctive feature is a right step towards confidence. If you have desire to work in this very company and will manage to prove this at the interview, then strengths overcome weaknesses and excitement can come to naught.

3. Accept the refusal philosophically

Yes, your candidacy may be rejected and you should not be afraid of it. It does not mean that you are hopeless or the world is not fair with you. The things are deeper. Sometimes employers have to refuse really good candidates, who are pleasant as professional as well as people. And sometime these people write letter and ask why they are rejected. What have they done wrong? In fact, if a candidate is interviewed by an experienced recruiter, then there is little chance to make mistakes. An inexperienced recruiter may reject a job seeker because of the shoes colour, posture or not very good sense of humor. An experienced recruiter evaluates not you or your behaviour, but your skills, abilities and certain personal qualities that interest an employer. So you should be worried about not to avoid mistakes, but whether all the important projects, in which you participated, are present in your resume. The refuse from a big company does not mean that you are a bad professional. Good companies never invite for the interview not good enough candidates.

The refusal means that for this very position they are looking not for you, but for other person. Maybe this other person is objectively weaker than you, but he is different in something else. This is one of the reasons for rejection to candidates with high qualification. But never get upset about this. Treat this situation not as a defeat, but as experience, because this is what it really is.

Take the theatrical pauses during an interview to think over your answers, make jokes, breathe deeply and slowly, listen to your favourite song before the interview, which makes you relax, do not forget to smile. And remember that each interview is a chance. Do not lose it, use to maximum and move on to your goal!