22 Highly Productive Work Tips


You do not have time to do your job, don’t you? Do you feel that it is harder to balance between work and personal life? Then you should know how to achieve more and not to become a workaholic.

Productive work of an ordinary man is about three of five working days. It is not many, isn’t it? To realize what the reason for inefficient work is, our professional resume editing website publishes tips of Tim Ferris, author of the bestseller “The 4 Hour Workweek”, on how to become a really productive employee. So this post on highly productive work tips will help you to become an efficient worker. Our service presents you only effective practical tips in this how to cope with problems quickly and effectively post.

Our professional resume writing site publishes the rules of productivity increase tested and approved by thousands of jobseekers. There is no magic, only practical and effective tips.

1. Begin each morning in the same way

Try to make the first 80-90 minutes of your every day almost the same. The way you begin your day influences greatly your efficiency, and a bad mood in the morning makes you leave your businesses “for later” as soon as possible. The correct schedule is extremely important if you want to feel that you personally control your own life. It all reduces stress, anxiety, and makes you more efficient.

2. Do not check your e-mail early in the morning

E-mail messages reading in the morning is dangerous, because you start reacting to it. Instead of planning your day and prioritize correctly, you allow to steal your time to anyone, who dares to ask you about something. Do you really want to start your day like this?

3. Do what is important… and almost nothing else

Because you do something well, this “something” does not become important. Before trying to do something as soon as possible, ask yourself whether you need to do it at all?

4. Concentration and concentration once again

Concentration depends first of all on whether you are able to “turn off” everything that distracts you. In other words, everything that distracts you, that makes you more stupid. Conducted researches have proved for many times that the easiest and the surest way of the impact on your own behavior is to change your surrounding.

5. Create your personal system

Defining your schedule and creating the system is much more effective than relying on self-discipline. Your day schedule can be strict, based on scientific principles, on your own preferences, but productive people have it necessarily. It is worth to mention that almost all great geniuses of all times had their own daily schedule that fitted them perfectly.

6. Define your goals in the evening one day before

Define for yourself one or two the most important tasks for tomorrow in the evening. When you wake up, you should already know what important businesses are waiting for you today, before new “urgent” tasks take your time.

7. Set your own the ritual end of the day

You should know when it is time to finish the job, and try to end each your working day in the same way. For example, put things in order on your desktop, make a backup copy of the files on your computer, make a list of what you need to do tomorrow or something else.

8. Define what is important for you and pay special attention to it

This is the issue of goal setting and prioritizing: will the work you are doing now give the results in the long term? If the answer is “no”, then you are doing something absolutely useless. So why should you do it further?

9. Two minutes rule

If you can do something for two minutes (for example, answer a letter or clean up the table), then do it right now. If you decide to do it later, then first of all it will take more time, and second of all there are no guarantees that you will do it at all.

10. Ten minutes rule

A great way to fight procrastination is not to set a goal to cope with this “giant problem”, but just spent the next ten minutes of your time on it. The most important is to start, and then you will not even notice how you finish it.

If you do not believe that it is possible to spend 10 minutes on something each day, then probably you have not try to restructure your schedule so that it become possible. You may combine these 10 minutes with something else, for example, with breakfast or your journey to work. In short, every person can find 10 minutes a day for desired project.

11. Seinfeld’s rule

If you want to be the best in something, then you should practice every day, including Christmas, Easter and other holidays. There should be no exceptions, no indulgence like “it is holiday today”.

12. Work on your habits

Right habits give to any person a huge bonus in set goals achievement. It will be great if you manage to develop at least 2 new useful habits per year.

13. Do not rely on your memory

You can not keep everything in your mind, even if you are a genius. Make notes in a notebook, make to do lists, plan in the phone or in any other way.

14. Use as much tools as you really need

Today there is a huge range of competing programs, services and gadgets. Find the most convenient solutions for your tasks and discard the rest.

15. Discipline is everything for us

It is better to begin with two things: planning your day every morning or before sleep and writing a brief report every evening. It will help you to prioritize correctly, discard the useless tasks and do what is really important.

16. Stop checking your e-mail all the time

Do not start your working day reading your e-mail and do not finish it reading it. Your e-mail box is not a to do list. Try to send important letters, which demand something to solve, to the scheduler, send files to the storage and personal correspondences to the archive.

17. The same is about the phone calls

Who has told you that you have to be in touch all the time? Switch off your phone when you are busy, and switch it on only in strictly defined time. Who really needs it will call you back later, who does not need it will not distract you.

18. MI3 rule

This abbreviation is decrypted Most Important three tasks and means that each your day you should begin with three the most important tasks, and plan the rest only having done these tasks. Do you have three important tasks in the morning?

19. Will power is limited

Try to make important decisions in the first half of the day, and the rest, which is less important, delegate maximally.

20. Plan procrastination

Sometimes doing nothing and fooling around can give energetic impulse to your brain. It is important to take these processes under control not letting them control you.

21. Delete. Say “no”. Ignore. Break other’s plans

Try to build your life basing on your own plan, instead of fitting well in the work schedules of people who surround you. As useful methods you can use headphones in your ears, even if you do not listen to music, or fake incompetence.

We re not telling you to refuse helping those who need it, but we advise to be reasonable and ignore those who parasitize your time.

22. Sleeping, eating and exercise

They will help you to double the result, because they increase focus, motivation and energy level.

Your work will always be productive if you aim to feel busy during the work, but not overloaded. In such a state people can keep up with everything, working less and feeling much happier. In this case you will have much more inspiration to make people around you happy as well. We hope that these rules will help you to be more productive and manage your time more effectively.